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Understanding Visibility and Inheritance in Solidity

Understanding Visibility and Inheritance in Solidity

In Solidity, visibility and inheritance are pivotal concepts governing the accessibility and reusability of functions and variables within contracts. Understanding these concepts is essential for writing secure and modular smart contracts. Let’s delve deeper into each of these concepts, exploring their nuances and practical implications.

Visibility modifiers

Solidity provides four visibility modifiers: public, private, internal, and external. These modifiers regulate how functions and variables can be accessed within and outside the contract.

Public functions and variables

Public functions and variables can be accessed from within the contract, as well as externally via transactions and derived contracts. They are suitable for exposing essential functionalities and state variables to other contracts or external users.


contract MyContract {
    uint public myNumber;

    function setNumber(uint _num) public {
        myNumber = _num;

Here, myNumber is a public state variable that can be accessed by any other contract or external account. The setNumber function is also public, allowing external users to update the value of myNumber.

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Private functions and variables

Private functions and variables are only accessible within the contract they are declared in. They cannot be accessed externally or by derived contracts, enhancing encapsulation and security.


contract MyContract {
    uint private myNumber;

    function setNumber(uint _num) private {
        myNumber = _num;

In this case, myNumber can only be modified by functions within MyContract. External contracts or transactions cannot access or modify myNumber, ensuring their integrity.

Internal functions and variables

Internal functions and variables are accessible within the contract and derived contracts. They provide a middle ground between public and private visibility, allowing for controlled access within the contract hierarchy.


contract BaseContract {
    uint internal myNumber;

    function setNumber(uint _num) internal {
        myNumber = _num;

contract DerivedContract is BaseContract {
    function updateNumber(uint _num) public {
        setNumber(_num); // Can access internal function from BaseContract

Here, myNumber and setNumber() are accessible within DerivedContract because it inherits from BaseContract. However, external contracts cannot directly access setNumber, ensuring that only contracts within the inheritance hierarchy can modify myNumber.

External functions and variables

External functions can only be called externally, i.e., from other contracts or transactions. They cannot be accessed internally or by derived contracts. For example:

contract MyContract {
    function myFunction() external {
        // Code implementation

The myFunction can only be called by other contracts or through transactions.

Difference between private and internal functions

The main difference between private and internal functions lie in their visibility scope:

  • Private Functions: Private functions are only accessible within the contract they are declared in. They cannot be accessed externally or by derived contracts. Private functions are suitable for implementing internal logic or utility functions that should not be exposed outside the contract.
  • Internal Functions: Internal functions are accessible within the contract and derived contracts. While they cannot be accessed externally, they provide a way for derived contracts to access and override their behavior. Internal functions are useful for implementing reusable logic that can be customized by derived contracts.

Difference between public and external functions

While both public and external functions can be called from outside the contract, they have distinct differences:

  • Public Functions: Public functions can be called both internally and externally. They are accessible from within the contract, derived contracts, and externally via transactions.
  • External Functions: External functions can only be called externally, i.e., from other contracts or transactions. They cannot be accessed internally or by derived contracts.

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Contract inheritance

Inheritance enables contracts to inherit properties and functionalities from other contracts, fostering code reuse and modularity. Solidity supports both inheriting from contracts defined in separate files and combining multiple contracts within a single file.

Getting modules from another file

In Solidity, you can import external contracts into your file and inherit from them using the is keyword. This approach allows for better organization of code and facilitates the reuse of existing functionalities.


// File: Animal.sol
contract Animal {
    string internal _sound;

    constructor(string memory sound) {
        _sound = sound;

    function makeSound() public view returns (string memory) {
        return _sound;

// File: Dog.sol
import "./Animal.sol";

contract Dog is Animal {
    constructor() Animal("Woof") {}

Here, the Dog contract inherits from the Animal contract, importing it from another file (Animal.sol). This enables Dog to access the functionalities defined in Animal, such as the makeSound() function.

Modules don’t have to be separate files

Solidity also allows you to define multiple contracts within a single file and inherit from them internally. This approach simplifies project structure and reduces the overhead of managing multiple files.


contract Animal {
    string internal _sound;

    constructor(string memory sound) {
        _sound = sound;

    function makeSound() public view returns (string memory) {
        return _sound;

contract Dog is Animal {
    constructor() Animal("Woof") {}

In this example, both Animal and Dog contracts are defined within the same file. Despite not being in separate files, Dog still inherits from Animal, allowing it to access Animal‘s functionalities.

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Mastering visibility and inheritance in Solidity is essential for building robust and modular smart contracts. By understanding how visibility modifiers regulate access to functions and variables, you can ensure security and encapsulation within your contracts. Moreover, leveraging contract inheritance allows for efficient code reuse and promotes a modular design approach.

In summary, consider the following key points:

  • Visibility modifiers (public, private, internal) regulate access to functions and variables within contracts.
  • Contract inheritance enables the reuse of existing functionalities and promotes code modularity.
  • Solidity supports both importing external contracts and defining multiple contracts within a single file for inheritance purposes.

By incorporating these concepts into your Solidity projects, you can write more efficient, maintainable, and scalable smart contracts for decentralized applications. Happy coding!

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