Rust CLI

Develop a Blockchain with Rust on Substrate

Got a blockchain idea but don’t know how to build one? Lucky for you, developing blockchains is no longer an elusive dream. Try out this course today.

image1406+ builders are on this courseimageLast updated 10/2023


In 2023, dozens of enterprises world over are looking to invest in blockchain because it represents our very future. If you have a blockchain idea, make it happen by enrolling in this beginner-friendly course on how to create your own blockchain using Substrate, a blockchain-building SDK. You might end up building the next big blockchain. Who knows? Only you can.

Course Content

0. Let’s Get Started

Enroll for free

1. Coding our first blockchain

2. Running your first blockchain node locally

3. Making a frontend for our blockchain



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Rated 4.5 by 51 developers

Why learn Rust?


Wide adoption

There are 2.8 million coders writing in Rust, with Microsoft and Amazon considering it key to the future.


Global acceptance

Has been declared the most loved programming language as per a Stack Overflow survey.



It is easy to write concurrent codes safely and efficiently on Rust



Can be used to build applications in various domains like machine learning, finance, etc.

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Frequently asked questions

Substrate is a blockchain framework used to develop customized blockchains that can be run entirely autonomously.

Yes. Substrate allows you to take advantage of its open source software that has been built by a large ecosystem of top blockchain development projects around the world.

Building a blockchain with Substrate is relatively easy, especially if you have experience with programming in Rust. The Substrate framework provides a lot of the foundational infrastructure that you need to build a blockchain, so you don't have to start from scratch.

Yes. They are as follows: Some working knowledge of Rust Basic familiarity with blockchain technology Basic understanding of cryptography. A text editor or IDE that supports Rust like VSCode, Atom, etc. Experience with command-line interface (CLI)

Rust is not a scripting language. Scripting languages are interpreter meaning executed line by line. Rust is not interpreted. It is compiled meaning it is converted to machine code before it is executed

A simple Rust coding example is this: fn main() { println!("Hello, world!"); } The output of the above code is this: Hello, world!
  • Intermediate
  • rating 4.5 (51)
  • 2x 5900 XPs
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