We are building an opensource community of developers who can use AI templates to create their own products.
Build your own professional diagrams with FlowchartGPT. Free template for developers to AI-powered create workflows, processes, and algorithm visualizations using natural language.
Build Your Own FrameForge, an AI-powered PC builder for creating custom computer builds. Free template for developers to create personalized PC building platforms.
Build your own AI-powered DSA tutor, a web application for learning Data Structures and Algorithms. Free template for developers to create interactive programming education platforms.
Build your own retro games effortlessly with the VintageGamesGPT template. A free and customizable tool for developers to create, edit, and reimagine classic games using AI.
Build your own AI Story Generator, a web application for creating immersive stories and narratives. Free template for developers to create customizable storytelling platforms.
Build your own personalized AI health journal & analytics using HealthScribeGPT template. Free template for developers to customize and build upon.
Build your own hilarious AI Discord bot that delivers brutally funny, sharp-witted, and savage replies to crush conversations.
Build your own AI-powered contract analysis platform with SmartSignGPT. Free template for developers to create intelligent document management solutions.
Build your own GitHub Profile Generator to create stunning GitHub profile READMEs effortlessly.
Build your own TripPlannerGPT, an AI travel assistant to create personalized itineraries. Free template for developers to customize and build upon.
Build your own AI email generator with EmailGeneratorGPT Template. Free template for developers to customize and build upon.
Build your own AI customer service app using CustomerService Template. Free template for developers to customize and build upon.
Build your own TicTacToe game using TicTacToeGPT Template. Free template for developers to customize and build upon.
Build Your Own CrosswordGPT, an AI-powered puzzle generator for customized puzzles. Free template for developers to customize and build upon.
Build Your Own TriviaQuizGPT, an AI-powered interactive quiz generator for fun learning. Free template for developers to customize and build upon.
Build Your Own FlashCardGPT, an AI-powered flashcard generator for efficient study. Free template for developers to customize and build upon.
Build Your Own LangLearnGPT, an AI app that helps you learn new languages. Free template for developers to customize and build upon.
Build Your Own DatingCoachGPT, an AI coach to help you with any questions you have about dating. Free template for developers to customize and build upon.
Build Your Own CSSGeneratorGPT, an AI-powered CSS generator for transforming raw HTML into beautiful designs. Free template for developers to customize and build upon.