0xmetaschool/ DatingCoachGPT

DatingCoachGPT is like having a friendly dating expert in your pocket. Instead of struggling with dating questions alone, this app gives you personal advice, helps you practice conversations, and shows you how to make your dating profile shine. It's like having a supportive friend who's always there to guide you through your dating journey. Made with Next.js and smart AI tools, this ready-to-use template helps developers create their own dating advice platform. As more people look for personal guidance in dating, this template lets you build an app that helps others find confidence in their dating life.

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'brand.500' : borderColor} p={6} bg={bgColor} boxShadow="md" position="relative" transition="all 0.3s" _hover={{ boxShadow: 'lg' }} > {isPopular && ( <Text position="absolute" top="-3" right="-3" bg="brand.900" color="white" fontSize="sm" fontWeight="bold" px={3} py={1} borderRadius="full" > Most Popular </Text> )} <VStack spacing={4} align="stretch"> <Heading size="lg">{title}</Heading> <Text fontSize="4xl" fontWeight="bold" color="brand.900"> ${price} <Text as="span" fontSize="sm" fontWeight="normal" color={useColorModeValue('gray.600', 'gray.400')}> /month </Text> </Text> {features.map((feature, index) => ( <HStack key={index}> <Icon as={GiLovers} color="brand.900" /> <Text>{feature}</Text> </HStack> ))} </VStack> </Flex> ); }; // @dev Main landing page component that displays various sections like hero, features, testimonials, pricing, and FAQ. const LandingPage = ({ onShowAuth }) => { const headingColor = useColorModeValue('gray.800', 'white'); const textColor = useColorModeValue('gray.600', 'gray.300'); const footerColor = useColorModeValue('gray.700', 'gray.200'); const footerBg = useColorModeValue('gray.100', 'gray.900'); return ( <> <Head> <title>DatingCoachGPT - Your Path to Love</title> <meta name="description" content="AI-powered DatingCoachGPT to help you find your perfect match" /> <link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico" /> </Head> <Box> {/* Hero Section */} <Box py={20} color="white"> <Container maxW="container.xl"> <VStack spacing={8} align="center" textAlign="center"> <Heading as="h1" size="2xl" color={headingColor}> Find Love with AI Magic ✨ </Heading> <Text fontSize="xl" maxW="2xl" color={headingColor}> Your personal DatingCoachGPT is here to guide you to meaningful connections and lasting relationships. </Text> <Button size="lg" color="black" border="2px solid" borderColor="black" onClick={onShowAuth}> Start Your Love Journey </Button> </VStack> </Container> </Box> {/* Trusted By Section */} <Box py={10} bg={useColorModeValue('gray.50', 'gray.800')}> <Container maxW="container.xl"> <VStack spacing={6}> <Heading size="md" textAlign="center" color={headingColor}> Trusted by users on popular dating platforms </Heading> <Wrap justify="center" spacing={8}> <WrapItem> <AppLogo name="Tinder" /> </WrapItem> <WrapItem> <AppLogo name="Bumble" /> </WrapItem> <WrapItem> <AppLogo name="Hinge" /> </WrapItem> <WrapItem> <AppLogo name="OkCupid" /> </WrapItem> </Wrap> </VStack> </Container> </Box> {/* Features Section */} <Box py={20}> <Container maxW="container.xl"> <Heading textAlign="center" mb={12} color={headingColor}> Unlock the Power of AI in Your Love Life </Heading> <SimpleGrid columns={{ base: 1, md: 2, lg: 4 }} spacing={10}> <Feature icon={GiCrystalBall} title="Smart Matching" text="Analyzes your preferences to find your ideal match." /> <Feature icon={FaRobot} title="24/7 AI Coach" text="Get personalized advice and tips anytime, anywhere." /> <Feature icon={FaMagic} title="Profile Magic" text="Transform your dating profile with AI-powered suggestions." /> <Feature icon={FaComments} title="Conversation Spark" text="Never run out of things to say with our AI-powered conversation starter." /> </SimpleGrid> </Container> </Box> {/* Testimonial Carousel */} <Box py={20} bg={useColorModeValue('gray.50', 'gray.800')}> <Container maxW="container.xl"> <Heading textAlign="center" mb={12} color={headingColor}> Love Stories Powered by AI </Heading> <TestimonialCarousel /> </Container> </Box> {/* Pricing Section */} <Box py={20}> <Container maxW="container.xl"> <Heading textAlign="center" mb={12} color={headingColor}> Choose Your Path to Love </Heading> <SimpleGrid columns={{ base: 1, md: 3 }} spacing={10}> <PricingCard title="Love Seeker" price={9.99} features={[ 'AI Matching', 'Basic Profile Optimization', 'Limited AI Coaching', ]} /> <PricingCard title="Love Explorer" price={19.99} features={[ 'Advanced AI Matching', 'Full Profile Optimization', 'Unlimited AI Coaching', 'Priority Support', ]} isPopular={true} /> <PricingCard title="Love Master" price={29.99} features={[ 'VIP AI Matching', 'Expert Profile Review', 'Personalized Coaching Sessions', '24/7 Premium Support', ]} /> </SimpleGrid> </Container> </Box> {/* FAQ Section */} <Box py={20} bg={useColorModeValue('gray.50', 'gray.800')}> <Container maxW="container.xl"> <Heading textAlign="center" mb={12} color={headingColor}> Frequently Asked Questions </Heading> <Accordion allowMultiple> <AccordionItem> <h2> <AccordionButton> <Box flex="1" textAlign="left"> How does the DatingCoachGPT work? </Box> <AccordionIcon /> </AccordionButton> </h2> <AccordionPanel pb={4}> Our DatingCoachGPT uses advanced algorithms to analyze your preferences, behavior, and interactions. It provides personalized advice, helps optimize your profile, and suggests potential matches based on compatibility. </AccordionPanel> </AccordionItem> <AccordionItem> <h2> <AccordionButton> <Box flex="1" textAlign="left"> Is my data safe and private? </Box> <AccordionIcon /> </AccordionButton> </h2> <AccordionPanel pb={4}> Yes, we take your privacy very seriously. All your data is encrypted and stored securely. We never share your personal information with third parties without your explicit consent. </AccordionPanel> </AccordionItem> <AccordionItem> <h2> <AccordionButton> <Box flex="1" textAlign="left"> Can I use this with other dating apps? </Box> <AccordionIcon /> </AccordionButton> </h2> <AccordionPanel pb={4}> Absolutely! Our DatingCoachGPT is designed to work alongside popular dating apps. You can apply the insights and advice you receive to improve your dating experience across multiple platforms. </AccordionPanel> </AccordionItem> <AccordionItem> <h2> <AccordionButton> <Box flex="1" textAlign="left"> What if I'm not satisfied with the service? </Box> <AccordionIcon /> </AccordionButton> </h2> <AccordionPanel pb={4}> We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. If you're not completely satisfied with our AI DatingCoachGPT, you can request a full refund within the first 30 days of your subscription. </AccordionPanel> </AccordionItem> </Accordion> </Container> </Box> {/* CTA Section */} <Box py={20} bg="brand.900" color="white"> <Container maxW="container.xl" textAlign="center"> <Heading mb={6}>Ready to Find Your Perfect Match?</Heading> <Text fontSize="xl" mb={8}> Join thousands of happy couples who found love with our AI coach. </Text> <Button size="lg" color="black" onClick={onShowAuth} fontWeight="bold" px={8} py={6} fontSize="xl" _hover={{ transform: 'scale(1.05)', boxShadow: 'xl' }} transition="all 0.3s" border="2px solid" borderColor="black" > Get Started Now </Button> </Container> </Box> </Box> <Footer /> </> ); }; export default LandingPage;







OpenAI GPT-4

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Last updated 3 months ago

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