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Top 21 AI Code Editors for Developers

AI Cod Editors

In today’s rapidly evolving world of software development, Generative AI is playing a transformative role. From automating repetitive coding tasks to enhancing productivity through intelligent code suggestions, AI code editors are empowering developers to code more efficiently. Whether you are a beginner looking to simplify coding or an experienced developer seeking to boost productivity, AI-powered code editors can dramatically enhance your workflow. Also, if you are interested in learning AI or becoming an AI developer, we’ve got hands-on and free guided AI courses on Metaschool that you can enroll in and learn to build AI applications.

AI Code Editors

In this blog, we will explore the top 20 AI code editors, their unique features, and how they can transform your coding experience. With AI, software developers can speed up development, find and resolve bugs quicker, and save lots of time by writing less redundant code. Let’s see what each of these AI Code editors are good for:

GitHub Copilot

GitHub Copilot is a cutting-edge AI-powered code editor built by Microsoft (GitHub) in collaboration with OpenAI. It uses machine learning to analyze the context of the code you write and suggests entire lines or blocks of code in real time, significantly improving coding efficiency. Integrated directly into Visual Studio Code and GitHub platforms, Copilot supports multiple programming languages and helps developers not only accelerate their workflows but also improve code quality through smart code completions. It’s designed to understand your coding patterns, making it an indispensable tool for both experienced developers and beginners alike.

Github Copilot - AI Code Editor

Key Features:

  • Autocompletes code from natural language descriptions.
  • Supports multiple programming languages.
  • Integrates seamlessly with VS Code.

Cursor AI

Cursor AI is a cutting-edge AI-powered code editor that helps developers write, refactor, and understand code faster. Cursor AI assists developers by making smart code suggestions, performing code reviews, and explaining complex code logic in real time. Its advanced AI capabilities streamline the entire development process, making it an ideal tool for both beginner and experienced developers.

Key Features:

  • Offers intelligent code suggestions based on context.
  • Can refactor code efficiently for better readability and performance.
  • Includes a built-in AI assistant to help explain difficult code sections.
  • Supports multiple programming languages and integrates seamlessly with modern development environments.


Tabnine is a versatile AI code assistant that excels at autocomplete functions across a wide range of IDEs and programming languages. Leveraging deep learning algorithms, it provides precise code suggestions based on the code context and developer’s previous coding habits. Tabnine offers both public AI models and the ability to train private AI models on your own codebase, making it highly customizable for enterprise use. Whether you are working on small scripts or enterprise-level applications, Tabnine enhances productivity with efficient code predictions, reducing boilerplate coding time.

Key Features:

  • Supports over 30 languages.
  • Custom-trained models for team-based projects.
  • Provides fast code suggestions in real-time.


Kite is an AI-powered coding assistant that brings real-time code completions to your IDE. It focuses heavily on Python but supports other languages like JavaScript, Go, and Java. Kite’s strength lies in its ability to provide instant documentation and in-line function signatures, allowing developers to write code faster while staying in their flow. With an emphasis on lightweight performance, Kite integrates smoothly into several popular IDEs like VS Code, Atom, and Sublime Text, providing intelligent autocomplete suggestions that make it easier to write complex code efficiently.

Key Features:

  • Free to use.
  • Provides docs for libraries inline.
  • Works offline.


DeepCode, now a part of Snyk, is an AI-powered code review tool that identifies bugs, vulnerabilities, and performance issues by scanning your code in real-time. It analyzes billions of lines of open-source code to provide precise and actionable insights, helping developers maintain clean and secure code. What sets DeepCode apart is its focus on detecting potential security risks and offering refactoring suggestions to enhance the code’s overall quality. It’s particularly valuable in large-scale enterprise projects where code quality and security are paramount.

Key Features:

  • Analyzes your code and gives instant feedback.
  • Detects security issues and bugs.
  • Supports multiple programming languages.


Codeium is an AI-powered autocomplete tool designed to support various programming languages and improve developer productivity. It uses machine learning models to suggest code completions, reduce typing, and avoid common programming mistakes. Codeium seamlessly integrates into multiple IDEs and helps accelerate the coding process by suggesting contextually relevant code snippets and even entire functions. It’s an excellent tool for developers who want to maintain their coding speed while ensuring the accuracy and efficiency of their code.

Key Features:

  • Supports multiple programming languages.
  • Free for individual developers.
  • Lightning-fast suggestions.


Codiga is a smart coding assistant that emphasizes code review and quality automation. It offers real-time code suggestions and automatically identifies bugs and security vulnerabilities across multiple programming languages. By analyzing code patterns and providing best practices, Codiga ensures that your code is always clean and optimized. The tool also integrates seamlessly into popular code editors like VS Code, JetBrains, and GitHub, making it a great addition for developers focused on maintaining high code standards.

Key Features:

  • Code completion across multiple languages.
  • Allows custom code patterns.
  • Ensures code consistency.

Visual Studio IntelliCode

Visual Studio IntelliCode is Microsoft’s AI-powered coding assistant that integrates directly into Visual Studio. It enhances productivity by providing intelligent code suggestions based on patterns from thousands of open-source repositories. IntelliCode not only offers autocomplete suggestions but also prioritizes the most relevant ones based on your coding habits. With support for multiple languages like C#, Python, and JavaScript, IntelliCode elevates the developer experience by offering context-aware code completions and improving collaboration with smart insights.

Key Features:

  • Trains models based on team coding practices.
  • Prioritizes recommendations based on common patterns.
  • Works seamlessly with Visual Studio.


Sourcery is a unique AI code editor that specializes in automating code refactoring. It continuously analyzes your code and suggests improvements that enhance readability, performance, and simplicity. Sourcery goes beyond autocomplete to offer detailed suggestions that help developers write cleaner, more efficient code. It works as a plugin for popular IDEs like VS Code and PyCharm and is especially useful for Python developers looking to optimize their codebase without spending hours on manual refactoring.

Key Features:

  • Python-specific AI suggestions.
  • Refactors existing code for improved readability and performance.
  • Integrates with major IDEs like PyCharm and VS Code.


Ponicode is an AI-driven code editor that focuses on generating unit tests for your code. It assists developers in maintaining a high level of code quality by automating the creation of test cases for multiple programming languages. Ponicode reduces the time spent on manual test writing and ensures that your code remains robust and reliable. By integrating seamlessly into existing workflows, Ponicode helps developers catch bugs early, improving overall code quality and ensuring that code adheres to industry standards.

Ponicode AI Code Editor

Key Features:

  • Automates test generation.
  • Improves code coverage.
  • Supports multiple programming languages.


CodeT5 is a transformer-based code generation tool developed by Salesforce Research. It uses natural language processing (NLP) models specifically trained on source code to generate and complete code snippets. CodeT5 excels in tasks like code summarization, generation, and translation between programming languages, making it a versatile tool for developers working across different languages and projects. Its powerful machine learning backbone allows it to understand code semantics deeply, providing accurate and context-aware suggestions.

Key Features:

  • Supports fine-tuning for different coding tasks.
  • Strong support for code generation.
  • Based on a transformer model.

Replit Ghostwriter

Replit Ghostwriter is an AI coding assistant integrated into the Replit IDE. It provides intelligent code completions, documentation generation, and even bug fixes by leveraging machine learning. Ghostwriter is designed to help developers of all skill levels accelerate their development processes, whether working on a small project or large-scale application. Its tight integration with Replit makes it a seamless experience, allowing developers to code, collaborate, and iterate faster.

Key Features:

  • AI-powered coding assistant.
  • Real-time suggestions within the Replit environment.
  • Integrates with various languages.

Amazon CodeWhisperer (Now part of Amazon Q)

Amazon Q Ai Code Editor

Amazon CodeWhisperer (now a part of Amazon Q) is a coding companion tool that helps developers write code faster and with greater precision. It uses AI to suggest real-time code snippets, functions, and even entire methods based on the context of the code being written. Integrated into the AWS ecosystem, it is particularly useful for developers working on cloud-based applications. CodeWhisperer supports a wide range of programming languages and is optimized for cloud-native development, making it an invaluable tool for AWS developers.

Key Features:

  • Integrates seamlessly with AWS environments.
  • Provides real-time code suggestions.
  • Supports multiple languages, especially those used in cloud development.


MutableAI is a next-gen AI code editor that automates code generation and transformation tasks. It assists developers in producing clean, efficient code by providing intelligent code suggestions, refactoring options, and bug detection. With support for multiple languages, MutableAI integrates directly into popular IDEs, making it a versatile solution for individual developers and teams alike. Its machine learning models are continually updated, ensuring that code suggestions are always relevant and up-to-date with current coding standards.

Key Features:

  • Automates repetitive coding tasks.
  • Enhances code readability.
  • Provides intelligent refactoring suggestions.

BlackBox AI

BlackBox AI is a powerful AI code assistant designed to help developers quickly find, generate, and reuse code snippets across a wide range of programming languages. By leveraging large datasets of open-source code, BlackBox AI provides highly relevant code suggestions, reducing the time spent searching for solutions. It integrates seamlessly into various IDEs, allowing developers to increase their coding efficiency and maintain high-quality codebases without sacrificing speed.

Key Features:

  • Suggests relevant code snippets from the web.
  • Works with major programming languages.
  • Integrates with VS Code and other popular IDEs.

Snyk Code

Snyk Code is an AI-powered tool specializing in code security. It scans your codebase in real-time, identifying vulnerabilities, security flaws, and potential exploits. By providing detailed recommendations for fixing security issues, Snyk Code helps developers write more secure and reliable code. Its focus on integrating security directly into the development process makes it an essential tool for teams focused on DevSecOps and continuous code quality improvement.

Key Features:

  • Detects security issues in real-time.
  • Supports various languages.
  • Provides actionable code recommendations.


CLIPCLop is an innovative AI code editor that leverages OpenAI’s CLIP model to understand and suggest code completions based on both text and visual prompts. While still an emerging tool, it offers unique multimodal input capabilities, allowing developers to benefit from both code and image-based suggestions. CLIPCLop is particularly useful in domains like game development or graphical programming, where visual context plays a significant role in coding.

Key Features:

  • Fast code suggestions.
  • Easy-to-use interface.
  • Great for rapid development and prototyping.


Polycoder is an AI-powered coding assistant that specializes in supporting polyglot programming environments. It can interpret code in multiple languages and provide seamless suggestions, allowing developers who work across languages to streamline their workflows. Polycoder’s advanced language models are trained to offer precise code completions and intelligent debugging assistance, helping developers manage complex, multi-language codebases with ease.

Key Features:

  • Free and open-source.
  • Supports multiple languages.
  • Based on the GPT-2 model for code generation.

CodeSnippets AI

CodeSnippets AI is a tool designed for developers looking to store, search, and insert code snippets efficiently. The AI engine learns from your usage patterns and suggests the most relevant snippets for your current coding context. By automating repetitive code tasks and offering quick access to frequently used snippets, CodeSnippets AI speeds up the coding process, ensuring that developers focus on writing innovative, unique code rather than reinventing the wheel.

Key Features:

  • Suggests relevant snippets from an extensive database.
  • Supports collaborative coding.
  • AI-driven snippet recommendations.

AI Assistant by CodeStream

AI Assistant by CodeStream is an AI-powered tool that integrates directly into your development workflow to offer real-time code suggestions, documentation, and collaborative features. Tailored for teams, it enables developers to collaborate more effectively by sharing and reviewing code snippets in real-time. By offering intelligent code completions and context-aware insights, AI Assistant helps teams write cleaner, more efficient code while improving the overall collaborative coding experience.

Key Features:

  • Streamlines code collaboration across teams.
  • Offers AI-powered bug-fixing suggestions.
  • Integrates with VS Code, JetBrains, and other IDEs.

Alphacode (DeepMind)

AlphaCode, developed by DeepMind, is a breakthrough in AI code generation. Trained using transformer models, AlphaCode can solve complex programming challenges by generating code that rivals human-written solutions. It excels at understanding problem statements and creating code to solve these problems autonomously. AlphaCode is particularly notable for its performance in competitive programming, showcasing the potential for AI to take on more intricate coding tasks that require logical reasoning and problem-solving abilities.

Key Features:

  • Generates complete code solutions.
  • High accuracy in competitive coding.
  • Excellent for problem-solving and algorithm generation.


AI-powered code editors are revolutionizing the way developers write, debug, and maintain their code. These tools not only save time by automating repetitive tasks but also enhance the overall coding experience by offering smart suggestions and reducing the likelihood of errors. Whether you are a solo developer or part of a larger team, adopting an AI code editor can lead to significant productivity gains.

As AI continues to advance, these tools will only get smarter, offering even more sophisticated functionalities. The future of coding looks bright with AI as a trusted companion for developers of all skill levels.


What is the AI editor for coding?

An AI editor for coding is a software tool that uses artificial intelligence to assist developers in writing, optimizing, and debugging code. These editors leverage machine learning models to understand the context of the code, provide intelligent suggestions, and even generate entire code blocks. AI editors like GitHub Copilot, Tabnine, and Replit Ghostwriter offer real-time code completions, error detection, and automation features that help improve coding efficiency and code quality. They integrate with popular IDEs and support multiple programming languages, making them essential for both beginner and advanced developers.

Is there an AI that can make code?

Yes, there are several AI tools and Large Languages Models (ex: Claude, ChatGPT) that can generate code. Tools like GitHub Copilot, Amazon CodeWhisperer, and AlphaCode (DeepMind) are designed to write code based on natural language descriptions or code context. These AI tools can generate full code snippets, functions, or even entire programs by interpreting user input and project requirements. While these AI tools are incredibly powerful, they are best used to assist human developers by handling repetitive coding tasks or suggesting solutions, rather than replacing the need for human creativity and problem-solving.

What is the AI tool to rewrite code?

There are several AI tools that specialize in rewriting or refactoring code to improve its quality, readability, and performance. Tools like Sourcery, MutableAI, and Codiga focus on analyzing existing code and offering suggestions for optimization. They can automatically refactor code, fix bugs, and ensure that the code follows best practices. These tools help developers maintain clean and efficient codebases while saving time on manual code reviews and refactoring.

What are some free AI code editors?

Some free AI code editors include Replit Ghostwriter, Codeium, and Tabnine’s free tier. These tools provide real-time code completions, bug fixes, and suggestions for multiple programming languages. Replit Ghostwriter offers a free version integrated into the Replit IDE, and Codeium provides autocomplete features for developers at no cost. These free AI code editors help boost productivity and improve code quality, making them accessible to developers of all skill levels without requiring a paid subscription.