
Build a Code Translator Using NextJS and OpenAI API

The internet's always been a quirky place. Why should AI chatbots be formal then? Learn how to code your very own personalized AI chatbot today with this course.

image1943+ builders are on this courseimageLast updated 10/2023


Have you ever felt limited when a project required you to work with Python but you could code in Javascript only? Make coding a breeze by building a tool that helps you translate code in your programming language of choice. This could start out as just a fun OpenAI and NextJS project but potentially give you ideas for similar, smarter, and even revenue-making initiatives that fellow devs around the world need.

Course Content

0. Ready, Set, Build!

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1. Build Some Cool Stuff

2. Let’s Wrap It Up



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Rated 4.4 by 74 developers

Why learn OpenAI?


Access to vast data

Open AI is ripe with data. GPT-3 alone is trained on a dataset of billions of data points.


Globally accepted

In a matter of a short time, OpenAI has been used by over 100,000 developers.


Diverse range of chatbots

Has a plethora of options, such as generative text, creative content for developers and users.


Advanced AI knowledge

AI technology is changing the course of the future and partaking in it can bring increasing job opportunities.

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Frequently asked questions

A code translator would mean building an AI application for which we'd recommend OpenAI API and NextJS. When you're building, you can define functions that take a code snippet as input and return the translated code snippet. This course will be teaching exactly that - give it a go.

NextJS is a React framework that helps create and build web applications. It is mostly used to build server-rendered and static web applications. It employs SSR (server-side rendering) and SSG (static site generation) to do the needful. This course employs NextJS with OpenAI.

There are two ways to install NextJS - automatic and manual. For automatic installation, first you need to install node.js and npm. Now run this command in your terminal: npx create-next-app my-next-app. A new NextJS project called my-next-stop has been created. You can change your Next app title to something else like Code Translator or AI Code Generator.

To use OpenAI, you would need to create an account on the OpenAI website, get an API key, install the OpenAI API client, and start writing the code that specifies the prompt you want to use. This code will call the API.
  • Intermediate
  • rating 4.4 (74)
  • 2x 5900 XPs
  • nft Earn NFT
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