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Ocean Protocol: A Comprehensive Technical Deep Dive for Developers -2024

ocean protocol deep dive


Ocean Protocol stands at the forefront of the decentralized data economy, offering a robust framework for secure, transparent, and privacy-preserving data exchange. As a developer diving into this ecosystem, understanding the intricate technical details of Ocean Protocol is crucial for building powerful data-driven applications. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the architecture, components, and development processes that make Ocean Protocol a groundbreaking solution in the world of decentralized data.

Architecture Overview

Ocean Protocol’s architecture is a sophisticated blend of blockchain technology, off-chain components, and user-facing applications. To truly grasp its power, we need to examine each layer in detail.

  • Layer 1: Blockchain Layer
  • Layer 2: Middle Layer
  • Layer 3: Application Layer
  • Layer 4: Wallets

Blockchain Layer

At its core, Ocean Protocol leverages the Ethereum blockchain to provide a decentralized and transparent foundation. This layer is responsible for critical functions such as access control, token management, and maintaining the integrity of data assets.

The blockchain layer is primarily composed of smart contracts written in Solidity. These contracts manage various aspects of the protocol, from token economics to data access rights. Let’s examine some of the key contracts:

  1. DataNFT Contract:
    This ERC721-compliant contract represents ownership and metadata of data assets. Each DataNFT is unique and corresponds to a specific dataset or service.
   contract DataNFT is ERC721Upgradeable {
       mapping(uint256 => bytes32) private _didRegistry;

       function mint(address to, uint256 tokenId, bytes32 did) public {
           _safeMint(to, tokenId);
           _didRegistry[tokenId] = did;

       function getDID(uint256 tokenId) public view returns (bytes32) {
           return _didRegistry[tokenId];

The DataNFT contract allows for the creation of unique tokens representing data assets. The mint function creates a new NFT and associates it with a decentralized identifier (DID), while the getDID function retrieves the DID for a given token.

  1. DataToken Contract:
    DataTokens are ERC20-compliant tokens that represent access rights to specific datasets or services. They enable granular control over data access and facilitate token-based data economies.
   contract DataToken is ERC20Upgradeable {
       address public dataNFT;
       uint256 public dataTokenId;

       function initialize(address _dataNFT, uint256 _dataTokenId, string memory name, string memory symbol) public initializer {
           __ERC20_init(name, symbol);
           dataNFT = _dataNFT;
           dataTokenId = _dataTokenId;

       function mint(address to, uint256 amount) public {
           require(DataNFT(dataNFT).ownerOf(dataTokenId) == msg.sender, "Only NFT owner can mint");
           _mint(to, amount);

This contract links DataTokens to their corresponding DataNFT. The mint function allows the owner of the DataNFT to create new DataTokens, effectively granting access rights to the dataset.

  1. FixedRateExchange Contract:
    This contract facilitates the exchange of DataTokens for payment tokens (such as OCEAN or other ERC20 tokens) at a fixed rate.
   contract FixedRateExchange {
       struct Exchange {
           address dataToken;
           address paymentToken;
           uint256 fixedRate;
           address owner;

       mapping(uint256 => Exchange) public exchanges;
       uint256 public exchangeCounter;

       function createExchange(address dataToken, address paymentToken, uint256 fixedRate) public returns (uint256) {
           exchanges[exchangeCounter] = Exchange(dataToken, paymentToken, fixedRate, msg.sender);
           return exchangeCounter;

       function buyDataToken(uint256 exchangeId, uint256 datokenAmount) public {
           Exchange storage exchange = exchanges[exchangeId];
           uint256 paymentAmount = datokenAmount * exchange.fixedRate;

           require(IERC20(exchange.paymentToken).transferFrom(msg.sender, exchange.owner, paymentAmount), "Payment transfer failed");
           require(IERC20(exchange.dataToken).transfer(msg.sender, datokenAmount), "DataToken transfer failed");

This contract allows for the creation of fixed-rate exchanges and the purchase of DataTokens. The createExchange function sets up a new exchange, while buyDataToken handles the token swap based on the fixed rate.

These smart contracts form the backbone of Ocean Protocol’s on-chain operations, ensuring transparent and secure management of data assets and access rights.

Middleware Layer: Ocean Nodes

The middleware layer of Ocean Protocol has undergone a significant evolution with the introduction of Ocean Nodes. This new architecture replaces the previous components (Provider, Aquarius, and Subgraph) with a unified, efficient system. Let’s explore the Ocean Node architecture in detail.

Overview of Ocean Nodes

Ocean Nodes are a vital part of the Ocean Protocol core technology stack. The Ocean Nodes monorepo replaces three previous components: Provider, Aquarius, and Subgraph. It has been designed to significantly simplify the process of starting the Ocean stack – it runs everything you need with one simple command.

Key features of Ocean Nodes include:

  • Integration of multiple services for secure and efficient data operations
  • Utilization of technologies like libp2p for peer-to-peer communication
  • Modular and scalable architecture supporting various use cases, from simple data retrieval to complex compute-to-data (C2D) tasks
  • Layered structure, including a network layer for communication and a components layer for core services like the Indexer and Provider

Architecture of Ocean Nodes

The Ocean Node is structured into separate layers, ensuring efficient data management and high security:

  1. Network Layer: Handles communication between nodes and with the blockchain
  2. Components Layer: Houses core services such as the Indexer and Provider
  3. Orchestration Layer: Coordinates interactions between the core node and execution environments

This layered architecture allows for flexibility and extensibility, supporting multiple compute engines like Docker and Kubernetes within the same framework.

How Ocean Nodes Replace Previous Components

Replacement of Provider

Ocean Nodes take over the following Provider functionalities:

  • Exclusive access to data
  • On-chain verification of buyer permissions and payments
  • Encryption of URL and metadata during publishing
  • Decryption of URL for dataset downloads or compute job initiation
  • Provision of data asset access through data streaming (never exposing the URL)
  • Provision of compute services (connection to C2D environment)
  • Typically run by the data owner

Replacement of Aquarius

The Indexer component within Ocean Nodes replaces Aquarius:

  • Acts as a cache for on-chain data
  • Stores metadata from smart contract events off-chain in a Typesense database
  • Monitors MetadataCreated and MetadataUpdated events, processing and updating them in the database
  • Provides a REST API for fetching data from the off-chain datastore
  • Offers easy query access to metadata without scanning the blockchain

Replacement of Subgraph

Ocean Nodes take over Subgraph functionalities:

  • Indexing data from smart contract events
  • Real-time indexing and updating of data
  • Provision of an API for receiving and responding to queries
  • Simplification of the development experience for Ocean Protocol builders


Ocean Nodes expose a comprehensive set of HTTP endpoints. For detailed information on these endpoints, developers should refer to the file in the GitHub repository: Ocean Node API Documentation

Compute-to-Data (C2D)

Ocean Nodes provide a convenient and easy way to run a compute-to-data environment. This feature allows node operators to monetize their nodes by charging fees for using the C2D environment. Additionally, there are incentives provided by the Ocean Protocol Foundation (OPF).

Key points about C2D in Ocean Nodes:

  • Enables data monetization while preserving privacy
  • Allows for charging fees for computation services
  • Provides additional incentives from OPF
  • Upcoming C2D V2 will introduce different environments and new payment methods for computation

For more details on the C2D V2 architecture, developers can refer to the documentation in the repository: C2D V2 Documentation

Advantages of the Ocean Node Architecture

Flexibility: Support for multiple compute engines and environments within the same framework.

Simplified Deployment: Running a single node is easier than managing multiple separate components.

Improved Efficiency: Tighter integration between components reduces latency and improves overall performance.

Enhanced Scalability: The modular architecture allows for easy replication and distribution of nodes to handle increased network load.

Better Consistency: With all components in one system, it’s easier to maintain data consistency across the network.

Reduced Dependencies: Fewer external dependencies make the system more robust and easier to maintain.

Application Layer

The application layer is where developers interact most directly with Ocean Protocol. This layer includes tools, libraries, and interfaces that simplify the process of building decentralized data applications.


Ocean.js is a JavaScript library that provides a high-level interface for interacting with Ocean Protocol. Here’s an example of how you might use Ocean.js to publish a dataset:

import { Ocean, DataTokens, Contracts } from '@oceanprotocol/lib'

async function publishDataset() {
    const ocean = await Ocean.getInstance({
        networkId: 1, // Ethereum Mainnet
        nodeUri: ''

    const accounts = await ocean.accounts.list();
    const publisher = accounts[0];

    const datatoken = await DataTokens.create(ocean, publisher, {
        cap: '100000',
        name: 'MyDataToken',
        symbol: 'MDT'

    const metadata = {
        name: "My Dataset",
        description: "A valuable dataset for analysis",
        author: "Data Scientist",
        license: "CC-BY",
        files: [
                url: "",
                contentType: "text/csv"

    const asset = await ocean.assets.create(metadata, publisher, datatoken.address);

    console.log(`Dataset published with DID: ${}`);


This script demonstrates the process of creating a datatoken, defining metadata for a dataset, and publishing it to the Ocean Protocol network.

Ocean Market

While not a core component of Ocean Protocol, the Ocean Market is a reference implementation of a data marketplace built on top of the protocol. Developers can use it as a starting point for building their own customized marketplaces.

Here’s a simplified React component that could be part of a custom marketplace, allowing users to search for datasets:

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { Ocean } from '@oceanprotocol/lib';

const DatasetSearch = () => {
    const [ocean, setOcean] = useState(null);
    const [searchTerm, setSearchTerm] = useState('');
    const [results, setResults] = useState([]);

    useEffect(() => {
        async function initOcean() {
            const oceanInstance = await Ocean.getInstance({
                networkId: 1,
                nodeUri: ''
    }, []);

    const handleSearch = async () => {
        if (!ocean) return;

        const searchResults = await ocean.assets.query({
            text: searchTerm


    return (
                onChange={(e) => setSearchTerm(}
                placeholder="Search for datasets"
            <button onClick={handleSearch}>Search</button>
                { => (
                    <li key={}>{}</li>

export default DatasetSearch;

This component allows users to search for datasets using Ocean.js and displays the results. In a full-featured marketplace, you would expand this to include features like dataset preview, purchasing mechanisms, and integration with web3 wallets.


Ocean Protocol’s architecture provides a powerful foundation for building decentralized data exchange applications. Its layered approach, combining on-chain smart contracts with off-chain middleware and user-facing applications, enables a flexible and scalable ecosystem for data sharing and monetization.

As a developer working with Ocean Protocol, you’ll interact with various components across these layers:

  1. Smart contracts for managing data assets, access rights, and token economics
  2. Middleware services like Provider and Aquarius for data access and metadata management
  3. Compute-to-Data features for privacy-preserving data analysis
  4. Application-layer tools like Ocean.js for building user-facing applications

By leveraging these components, you can create innovative solutions that unlock the value of data while preserving privacy and control. Whether you’re building a specialized data marketplace, a decentralized AI training platform, or a data-driven DAO, Ocean Protocol provides the tools and infrastructure to bring your vision to life.

As the protocol continues to evolve, stay updated with the latest developments in the Ocean Protocol documentation and community channels. The future of the decentralized data economy is bright, and as a developer, you’re at the forefront of this exciting revolution. Learn to build on Ocean Protocol with Metaschool.