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erc20 token meaning crypto glossary article cover


The ERC-20 is technical standard for every fungible token used to issue and implement tokens on the Ethereum Blockchain. Being a fungible token means that it has a property that makes each token’s value and type exactly the same as another token.

flippening meaning crypto glossary article cover


Flippening means that an underdog overtakes the favorite. It refers to the potential overtake of the Ethereum Blockchain to become the world’s biggest cryptocurrency by market capitalization over the previously favored Bitcoin Blockchain.

DAO meaning crypto glossary article cover


A DAO stands for Decentralized Autonomous Organization. It is a community-led entity that has no central governing body. It is an emerging form of the legal structure whose members share a common goal to act in the entity’s best interest. 

bear market meaning crypto glossary article cover

Bear Market

A bear market is a market condition or state in which there are liabilities and loans, there aren’t enough resources to pay them back, different companies’ stocks are declining in value, and investors lose their money.

defi meaning crypto glossary article cover


DeFi stands for Decentralized Finance. It is a peer-to-peer emerging financial technology on secure distributed ledgers similar to those used by cryptocurrencies.

mempool meaning crypto glossary article cover


Mempool is combined term derived out of the words memory and pool. It is sort of a waiting room to confirm pending transactions. It can also be defined as the mechanism of cryptocurrency nodes for storing information on unconfirmed or pending transactions.

gwei meaning crypto web3 glossary cover


Gwei was first used as a denomination of the cryptocurrency Ether (ETH), the digital coin of the famous blockchain Ethereum.Â