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What is Ethereum? Comprehensive Guide to the World’s Programmable Blockchain – 2024

what is ethereum

Ethereum represents a revolutionary leap in blockchain technology, functioning as both a decentralized computing platform and a digital currency ecosystem. Unlike traditional platforms, Ethereum provides a complete environment where developers can create sophisticated applications, automate financial services, and pioneer new forms of digital interaction—all secured by its underlying blockchain technology.

Understanding Ethereum: More Than Just a Cryptocurrency

At its core, Ethereum is a decentralized platform that enables the creation and execution of smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps) without downtime, fraud, or interference from third parties. While many know it for its cryptocurrency Ether (ETH), Ethereum’s true innovation lies in its programmable blockchain infrastructure that’s reshaping the digital landscape.

Technical Architecture

The Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)

The Ethereum Virtual Machine operates as a quasi-Turing complete state machine, with Turing completeness bounded by block gas limits. The EVM executes code in a 256-bit word size, matching Ethereum’s native cryptographic operations. It implements a stack-based architecture with a maximum depth of 1024 items and maintains three distinct data locations:

  1. Storage: Persistent between function calls and transactions, organized as a key-value store mapping 256-bit words to 256-bit words
  2. Memory: Linear byte array, volatile during contract execution
  3. Stack: Holds up to 1024 elements, used for EVM operations

Each opcode has a fixed gas cost, with additional dynamic costs for operations like storage modifications (SSTORE) and contract creation (CREATE/CREATE2).Account Types and State Management

Ethereum implements two distinct account types: Externally Owned Accounts (EOAs) and Contract Accounts. EOAs are controlled by private keys and can initiate transactions, while Contract Accounts contain and execute smart contract code. The global state of Ethereum is maintained through a Modified Merkle Patricia Trie structure, which efficiently stores account balances, contract code, and contract storage.

Account Model

Ethereum implements an account-based model rather than Bitcoin’s UTXO system. Two account types exist:

  • Externally Owned Accounts (EOAs): Controlled by private keys, nonce tracks transaction count
  • Contract Accounts: Controlled by code, nonce tracks contract creation count

Both account types maintain state through a Modified Merkle Patricia Trie, with each node identified by a 256-bit hash.

Consensus Mechanism Evolution

The transition from Proof-of-Work to Proof-of-Stake through the Merge represented a fundamental shift in Ethereum’s consensus mechanism. The current Proof-of-Stake implementation utilizes the Gasper protocol, which combines the Casper FFG finality gadget with the LMD GHOST fork choice rule. Validators must stake 32 ETH to participate in block production and attestation, with rewards distributed based on their performance and penalties imposed for malicious behavior.

Significant Protocol Upgrades and EIPs

London Hard Fork (EIP-1559)

Implemented in August 2021, EIP-1559 revolutionized Ethereum’s fee market with:

  1. Base Fee Mechanism:
    • Dynamic base fee adjusts by ±12.5% per block based on target gas usage
    • Base fee is burned, removing ETH from circulation
    • Block size target of 15M gas with maximum 30M gas
  2. Priority Fee:
    • Direct tip to validators
    • Separated from base fee to provide predictable incentives

Technical implementation required modifications to block header structure and transaction format, introducing the following fields:

struct Block {
uint64 baseFeePerGas;
uint64 gasTarget;
bytes[] transactions;

struct Transaction {
uint64 maxPriorityFeePerGas;
uint64 maxFeePerGas;

The Merge (Paris Upgrade)

The transition to Proof of Stake implemented several critical EIPs:

  1. EIP-3675: Upgrade Consensus to Proof-of-Stake
    • Removed proof-of-work difficulty fields
    • Introduced validator signatures and randomness
    • Modified fork choice rule to GHOST+Casper
  2. EIP-4399: Supplanted DIFFICULTY opcode with PREVRANDAO
    • Changed randomness source for smart contracts
    • Maintained backward compatibility through opcode remapping

Beacon Chain Implementation

The consensus layer operates through:

  1. Validator Management:
    • 32 ETH stake requirement
    • Slashing conditions for equivocation or inactivity
    • Rewards calculated per epoch (32 slots)
  2. Fork Choice Rule:
    • LMD GHOST protocol for short-term chain selection
    • Casper FFG for finality gadget
    • Two-thirds majority required for finalization

Shanghai/Capella Upgrade

Implemented in April 2023, enabling:

  1. EIP-4895: Beacon chain withdrawals
    • Added withdrawal credentials verification
    • Implemented push mechanism for rewards
    • Maximum of 16 withdrawals per block
  2. EIP-3651: Warm COINBASE access
    • Reduced gas costs for accessing block.coinbase
    • Enhanced MEV-boost compatibility

Dencun Upgrade

Activated in March 2024, introducing:

  1. EIP-4844: Proto-Danksharding
    • Blob transactions for Layer 2 data availability
    • KZG commitment scheme implementation
    • New transaction type with blob fields
  2. EIP-4788: Beacon block root in EVM
    • Exposed consensus layer data to execution layer
    • Enhanced cross-layer protocols

Smart Contract Standards and Improvements

Token Standards Evolution

  1. EIP-20: Fungible Token Standard
interface IERC20 {
function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256);
function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256);
function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);
function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);
function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);
  1. EIP-721: Non-Fungible Token Standard
    • Introduced unique token IDs
    • Implemented metadata extensions
    • Added safe transfer functions
  2. EIP-1155: Multi-Token Standard
    • Combined fungible and non-fungible tokens
    • Batch transfer capabilities
    • Enhanced gas efficiency

Contract Creation and Deployment

  1. EIP-170: Contract code size limit
    • Maximum 24576 bytes
    • Prevents DOS attacks through large contracts
  2. CREATE2 Opcode (EIP-1014):
    • Deterministic contract addresses
    • Enhanced layer 2 solutions
    • Factory pattern implementations

Layer 1 Blockchain Comparison

Ethereum vs. Bitcoin

While Bitcoin pioneered blockchain technology, Ethereum’s architecture fundamentally differs in its computational capabilities. Bitcoin’s Script language is intentionally limited and non-Turing complete, whereas Ethereum’s smart contract capability provides Turing-complete programming. This enables complex computational tasks but introduces additional security considerations and scalability challenges.

Ethereum vs. Solana

Solana employs a Proof-of-History mechanism alongside Proof-of-Stake, achieving higher theoretical throughput than Ethereum’s current implementation. However, Ethereum’s decentralization and security model provides stronger guarantees for transaction finality and censorship resistance. Solana’s parallel transaction processing architecture contrasts with Ethereum’s sequential processing, presenting different trade-offs between scalability and consistency.

Ethereum vs. Cardano

Cardano’s layered architecture separates settlement and computational layers, whereas Ethereum integrates both functions within its single-layer architecture. Cardano’s Ouroboros protocol implements a formally verified Proof-of-Stake system, while Ethereum’s Gasper protocol prioritizes practical Byzantine fault tolerance with economic finality.

Technical Scaling Solutions

Layer 2 Protocols

Optimistic rollups represent a sophisticated approach to Ethereum scaling by processing transactions off-chain while maintaining security through a fraud-proof system. These protocols operate by submitting transaction batches to Ethereum mainnet as calldata, significantly reducing gas costs while inheriting the network’s security guarantees. The fundamental security model relies on a challenge period, typically seven days, during which any observer can submit a fraud proof if they detect invalid state transitions. This mechanism enables high throughput while maintaining trustlessness, though at the cost of delayed finality.

The technical implementation of optimistic rollups involves a complex system of smart contracts on the mainnet that manage state commitments and handle dispute resolution. These contracts maintain a tree of state roots, allowing for efficient verification of fraud proofs when necessary. Transaction execution in optimistic rollups follows a sequential model, where each transaction must be processed in order to maintain deterministic outcomes. This design choice simplifies fraud proof construction but can impact throughput in certain scenarios.

Zero-knowledge rollups take a fundamentally different approach to scaling by utilizing advanced cryptographic proofs to validate state transitions. These systems generate SNARK (Succinct Non-interactive Argument of Knowledge) or STARK (Scalable Transparent Argument of Knowledge) proofs for each batch of transactions, providing immediate finality once the proof is verified on mainnet. The cryptographic nature of these proofs allows for significant data compression, as the proof itself contains all necessary information to verify the correctness of thousands of transactions.

Implementing zero-knowledge rollups requires sophisticated proving systems and specialized hardware for efficient proof generation. The proving process involves converting transaction execution into arithmetic circuits that can be verified through cryptographic commitments. While this approach offers superior scalability and immediate finality, it comes with increased computational overhead for proof generation and requires careful optimization of the proving system to maintain reasonable processing times.

Data Availability Solutions

Proto-danksharding, implemented through EIP-4844, introduces a revolutionary approach to data availability on Ethereum. This system implements specialized “blob” transactions that can carry up to 6MB of data per blob, with a current limit of two blobs per transaction. The technical implementation utilizes KZG polynomial commitments, which allow for efficient verification of data availability while maintaining reasonable computational requirements for validators. These commitments enable a property known as proof-of-custody, ensuring that validators must actually download and store the blob data to participate in consensus.

The blob transaction system operates alongside traditional transactions but with separate fee markets and dedicated space in blocks. Each blob commitment is verified through a KZG proof, which provides cryptographic guarantees about the availability of the underlying data. This system is particularly significant for layer 2 rollups, as it provides a cost-effective method for publishing calldata while maintaining the security properties necessary for rollup operation.

Data availability sampling (DAS) represents the next evolution in Ethereum’s scalability architecture. This system allows nodes to verify data availability without downloading entire blocks by sampling random segments of data and utilizing erasure coding to ensure data reconstruction is possible. The technical implementation involves dividing blob data into segments and applying Reed-Solomon encoding to create redundancy, allowing for probabilistic verification of data availability with high confidence levels.

The interaction between these scaling solutions creates a sophisticated ecosystem where different approaches can be combined to achieve optimal results for specific use cases. Layer 2 protocols can leverage blob space for data publication while implementing their own unique execution environments, creating a hierarchical scaling structure that maintains security while dramatically increasing throughput. This composability between scaling solutions represents a key strength of Ethereum’s approach to scalability, allowing for continuous improvement without sacrificing the fundamental security properties of the network.

Smart Contract Development

Smart contracts on Ethereum are typically written in Solidity, a statically typed programming language specifically designed for the EVM. The compilation process transforms high-level Solidity code into EVM bytecode through multiple stages, including lexical analysis, parsing, and optimization. Developers must carefully consider gas optimization, storage patterns, and security best practices to create efficient and secure contracts.

Bonus: Resources to learn Smart Contract Development on Ethereum on Metaschool

Metaschool offer intensive, hands-on training in a structured web3 learning program. Metaschool’s hands-on Ethereum development courses are offered for free. These self-paced and structured courses guide you to write Smart Contracts in Solidity, build NFTs, and teach you to create your own Ethereum Token in 30 mins with expert instruction and a guided learning environment.

Developers at every stage of their learning journey will benefit from Metaschool’s Solidity learning tracks and learn to build real-world applications quickly.

Learn Solidity on MetaSchool

Cross-Chain Interoperability

Ethereum’s role in the broader blockchain ecosystem is enhanced through various bridge protocols and interoperability solutions. Cross-chain bridges utilize sophisticated cryptographic mechanisms like hash-time-locked contracts (HTLCs) or relay networks to facilitate asset transfers and cross-chain communication. The development of standards like IBC (Inter-Blockchain Communication) and cross-chain messaging protocols enables seamless interaction between Ethereum and other blockchain networks.

Network Parameters and Constraints

Gas and Execution

  1. Block Parameters:
    • Target block time: 12 seconds
    • Dynamic base fee adjustment
    • Gas limit: ~30M units
  2. Operation Costs:
    • SSTORE (cold): 20000 gas
    • SSTORE (warm): 5000 gas
    • Contract creation: 32000 gas
    • Memory expansion: quadratic cost

Consensus Parameters

  1. Validator Requirements:
    • 32 ETH stake
    • Minimum 16384 validators
    • 8 validators per committee minimum
  2. Timing Constants:
    • 12-second slots
    • 32 slots per epoch
    • 256 epochs per period

Future Technical Developments

Quantum Resistance

As quantum computing advances, Ethereum’s development roadmap includes preparations for quantum-resistant cryptography. This involves researching and implementing post-quantum cryptographic algorithms for digital signatures and hash functions, ensuring the network’s security against future quantum attacks.

State Management Optimization

Proposals for state management optimization include verkle trees, which provide more efficient proof generation and verification compared to the current Merkle Patricia Trie structure. This optimization aims to reduce node storage requirements while maintaining security and accessibility. Read about the possible futures of Ethereum here.


Ethereum’s technical evolution demonstrates a careful balance between backward compatibility and protocol improvements. Through EIPs and major upgrades, the network has maintained its security while expanding capabilities and efficiency. The transition to Proof of Stake and ongoing scalability improvements position Ethereum as a foundation for decentralized applications and financial systems.

Understanding these technical aspects is crucial for developers building on Ethereum, validators securing the network, and users interacting with the ecosystem. As development continues, new EIPs and upgrades will further enhance the protocol’s capabilities while maintaining its core principles of decentralization and security.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do smart contracts work on Ethereum?

Smart contracts are self-executing programs deployed on the Ethereum blockchain, typically written in Solidity and compiled to EVM bytecode. They operate deterministically, executing the same way across all network nodes, with their state stored in the blockchain and modifications requiring transaction execution.

What is EIP-1559 and how does it affect transaction fees?

EIP-1559 introduced a base fee that gets burned and adjusts automatically based on network congestion, plus a priority fee paid to validators. This mechanism makes transaction fees more predictable and creates deflationary pressure on ETH through the burning of base fees.

How secure is the Ethereum network?

Ethereum’s security relies on economic incentives through staking, cryptographic principles, and distributed consensus among thousands of nodes. The network requires malicious actors to control 33% of staked ETH to prevent finality and 66% to potentially alter history, making attacks extremely costly.

What is the purpose of Layer 2 solutions?

Layer 2 solutions extend Ethereum’s scalability by processing transactions off the main chain while inheriting its security properties. They reduce fees and increase transaction throughput by batching multiple transactions together and posting minimal verification data to the mainnet.

How does the EVM handle contract deployment?

Contract deployment occurs through a special transaction with no recipient address and contract bytecode in the data field. The EVM executes the constructor code, stores the contract code, and assigns a new address based on the deployer’s address and nonce, or through deterministic addressing with CREATE2.

What role do validators play in Ethereum’s network?

Validators are responsible for proposing new blocks, attesting to blocks proposed by others, and participating in consensus. They must maintain 32 ETH stakes, run both execution and consensus clients, and risk slashing penalties for malicious behavior or excessive downtime.

How does Ethereum handle storage and state management?

Ethereum maintains state through a Modified Merkle Patricia Trie structure, with each account’s state including balance, nonce, code (for contracts), and storage. State changes require gas payment, with costs higher for storing new data (cold storage) than modifying existing data (warm storage).

What makes EVM compatible chains possible?

EVM compatibility is achieved by implementing Ethereum’s virtual machine specifications and account model. Chains can modify consensus mechanisms and network parameters while maintaining the same execution environment, enabling smart contract portability across different networks.