The Zcash blockchain is an open-source, decentralized cryptocurrency that enables users to securely transfer funds without revealing the sender, recipient, or transaction amount. It is designed to provide privacy and fungibility to its users, as well as a secure platform for users to transact with each other.
Zcash is built on the Zerocash protocol, which uses a combination of zero-knowledge proofs and cryptography to ensure that transactions remain private and secure. The protocol is based on a cryptography-based digital currency called zk-SNARKs, which allows users to prove that they have knowledge of the transaction without revealing the details of the transaction.
Zcash is a fork of the Bitcoin protocol, which means it is based on the same underlying technology. However, unlike Bitcoin, Zcash transactions are private by default. This is accomplished through the use of a cryptographic technique called "shielded transactions," which obscures the sender, receiver, and amount of a transaction.
Founder: Matthew Green, Ian Miers, Christina Garman
Launched On: 2016-10-27
Layer 2
C++, Rust, Go
Proof Of work
16,328,268.75 ZEC