Build a Semi-Fungible ERC404 Tokens' Marketplace
Build a Semi-Fungible ERC404 Tokens' Marketplace
A free and practical course that teaches you how to build a marketplace for semi-fungible ERC-404 tokens via hands-on learning. Enroll now.
The ERC-404 token has been the talk of the town lately, which means now is the perfect time to explore it at length. This course has been designed keeping in mind the ERC-404 token standard. First, it will give you an overview of building an NFT marketplace using the DN404 standard. Then, you will build your token using DN404. Thirdly, you will build the marketplace and use it to buy or sell your share of tokens. Lastly, you will prepare the front-end which will allow you to interact with the NFT marketplace contract.
Course Content
1. Getting Started
2. Prerequisites to Building the MarketPlace
3. Build the MarketPlace
4. Deploy the MarketPlace
5. Work With the Frontend
6. Wrap Up the Course
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Rated 4.4 by 14 developers
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Most popular smart contract language
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- Beginner
- 4.4 (14)
- 5900 XPs
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