Polygon Gas Tracker β›½

Polygon is a Layer-2 network. Explore real-time gas price and gas limit for transactions.

Next update in 15s


Base: NaN | Priority: NaN
$ | ~ 30-60 secs
Base: NaN | Priority: NaN
$ | ~ 30-60 secs
Base: NaN | Priority: NaN
$ | ~ 30-60 secs

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What is a Polygon Gas Tracker?

A Polygon gas tracker is a tool that provides real-time updates about the cost of gas on the Polygon network. Polygon is a Layer 2 scaling solution built on top of the Ethereum blockchain, designed to offer faster and cheaper transactions than the Ethereum mainnet.

Gas is the unit of measure for the computational resources required to execute transactions and smart contracts on the Polygon network, just as it is on the Ethereum network. The gas price can vary based on the current demand for computational resources on the network and the complexity of the transaction or contract.

A gas tracker for Polygon typically displays the current gas price, gas limit, and estimated transaction cost in MATIC or another cryptocurrency. This information can be used by users to decide whether to send a transaction or wait for gas prices to decrease. Gas trackers can also provide historical data and charts to help users analyze gas price trends over time.

For anyone using Polygon to send transactions or interact with smart contracts, a gas tracker is an essential tool. It can provide valuable information to help users optimize their transactions and reduce the cost of gas fees. Don’t stop here. Browse Polygon courses at Metaschool

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