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30 Best NFT Marketing Strategies for 2024

NFT Marketing

Ever since the concept of NFT has been conceptualised, the web3 ecosystem has built exciting and powerful new usecases around digital ownership. With rising interest and use-cases if NFTs the need for innovative NFT marketing strategies has grown significantly.

In this detailed guide on NFT marketing strategies we’ll learn about what is NFT, how the NFTs marketing today, the steps to create your own NFTs, and finally 30 NFT marketing ideas that you can utilise to promote and sell your NFTs.

What is an NFT?

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are unique digital assets that represent ownership or proof of authenticity of a specific item, often tied to art, music, videos, or other forms of digital content. Unlike cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum, NFTs cannot be exchanged on a one-to-one basis, as each token holds a unique value. The rise of NFTs has opened up new opportunities for creators, artists, and marketers to monetize digital content in innovative ways.

NFT Market Statistics

The NFT market has experienced explosive growth in recent years, with total sales surpassing billions of dollars. In 2023 alone, the NFT market reached new heights, with increased adoption from both individual creators and major brands. As we enter 2024, NFT marketing is becoming more critical for standing out in a crowded marketplace. Understanding market trends, consumer behavior, and emerging platforms is key to a successful NFT marketing strategy.

Here are some statistics that show how NFT has grown in popularity:

  • The NFT market size is expected to reach US$ 14228.29 Million by 2031.
  • NFT space has 13.95 million users as of 2023
  • 25%+ US adults are interested in buying and collecting NFTs.
  • Top 5 NFT buyers are in Asian countries.
  • In 2023, over 12,000 NFTs were sold on a daily basis.
  • Around $5 – $20 million in NFTs are traded every week.
  • The most popular NFT categories are memes, metaverse, arts, sports, gaming, etc.

How to Create Your Own NFTs and Sell?

Creating and selling NFTs is a straightforward process, but it requires a solid understanding of blockchain technology and marketplaces. Here’s a quick guide:

  1. Choose a Blockchain: Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and Polygon are popular choices for minting NFTs.
  2. Create a Digital Wallet: You’ll need a wallet like MetaMask or Trust Wallet to store your NFTs and pay for transaction fees.
  3. Mint Your NFTs: Platforms like OpenSea, Rarible, and Mintable allow you to create (mint) your own NFTs.
  4. List on Marketplaces: Once minted, you can list your NFTs for sale on various NFT marketplaces.

You can enroll in Metaschool’s free blockchain courses to learn how to create or mint your own NFT tokens on popular blockchains. Some of the most popular courses on creating NFTs on Metaschool are: Some of the most popular courses on creating NFTs at Metaschool include:

30 Best NFT Marketing Strategies

1. Social Media Content

Utilize platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok to share content related to your NFT project. Engaging visuals and storytelling can help attract potential buyers. All popular NFTs have a unique and catchy social media presence and this can be the 1st place form where yo can start your marketing for NFT.

One of the most popular earliest NFT project, Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) used social media really well to build hype around their NFTs, its use cases, and got people to talk about their NFTs on social meida.

Social Media NFT Marketing Strategies fo BAYC

2. SEO

Optimize your website and content for search engines by targeting relevant keywords like “NFT art,” “digital collectibles,” and “crypto art.” This will improve your visibility and attract organic traffic. You can also look for specific keywords for your NFT and its use cases. There’s a signification organic traffic opportunity that exists in NFT marketing and can be leveraged for creating website pages, blogs, and optimising the website homepage.

Here’s a screen grab of OpenSea (NFT Marketplace) and the kind of traffic it gets as per Similarweb.

OpenSea NFT Marketplace gets 5M+ monthly traffic.

3. Blockchain Ads Network

Consider using specialized ad networks tailored for blockchain and NFT projects. Instead of promoting on Google, Instagram, TikTok, you may go more specific with your paid Ads and directly promote in front of an audience that is already invested into crypto and NFTs. Blockchain Ads network can be a good experiment for your NFT marketing.

Some of the popular ad networks you should consider including in your NFT advertising strategy are:

  • Coinzilla
  • Bitmedia
  • Coingecko
  • Notfin
  • Adshares
  • DOT
  • Ad Dragon
  • Bitraffic

4. Ad Campaign

Run targeted ad campaigns on platforms like Google, Facebook, and Twitter to reach a broader audience interested in NFTs. Twitter has a very active web3 audience and might be a great place to start with your Ad campaigns. You can also explore other platforms like ProductHunt, Reddit, Quora, etc. to talk about NFTs and plugin your own NFT project there. If your NFT is combined with an interesting use case, Facebook/Instagram and video Ads on YouTube would turn out to be great in building awareness and getting people to purchase.

5. Guest Blogging on Popular NFT Websites

Collaborate with NFT-focused blogs and websites to share your expertise and promote your NFTs. This can increase your visibility within the NFT community. The approach you can take for this is; curate a bunch of NFT blogs/websites that have decent traffic, are relevant for your specific NFT project, and talk to them about what kind of content will work the best for your NFT project. Guest blogging can possibly be a free marketing channel if you have good relations with publications or if you are already an active contributor in blogs like HackerNoon or IndieHackers.

6. Building an Exclusive NFT Community

Create a dedicated community on platforms like Discord or Telegram, where NFT enthusiasts can engage with your project and each other. This fosters a sense of belonging and exclusivity. The pre-requisite of getting into your exclusive community could be that only people who have signed up for your NFT launch can be let in. And as the launch goes well, you can give exclusive perks to community members who hold your NFTs.

Here’s an example from Starbuks NFT launch where they offers NFT holders an immersive and exclusive coffee experience. You can learn more about Starbucks in Web3 here.

NFT Marketing Strategies of Starbucks

7. Video Based NFT Marketing

Leverage video content to explain your NFT project and its unique value proposition. Platforms like YouTube and TikTok are ideal for this type of content. You can also utilise Twitch live stream, Twitter videos, and video ads on YouTube to promote your NFT project.

8. NFT Marketing with Celebrities

Partner with celebrities or influencers who resonate with your target audience to promote your NFTs. Celebrities like Snoop Dog, Paris Hilton, Sachin Tendulkar (NFT), etc. have entered the world of NFTs by partnering with NFT platforms and launching their own NFTs.

Onboarding a celebrity to promote your NFTs can be a great way to kickstart he promotional activities. A lot of NFT projects used movie stars, sports celebrities, and popular internet personalities to launch their NFTs.

9. Selling on Top NFT Marketplaces

Some of the most popular NFT marketplaces include:

  • OpenSea – Mint, buy, and Sell NFTs on OpneSea. One of the most popular NFT marketplace on the Internet.
  • Rarible – A multi-blockchain platform where you can buy, sell, and mint NFTs.
  • Axie Marketplace – A dedicated marketplace for the Axie Infinity Token (Axie Shards).
  • SuperRare – A platform for trading single-edition artwork, known for its security through the Ethereum blockchain.
  • Mintable – An open marketplace backed by Mark Cuban.
  • Nifty Gateway – Known for significant sales, including those by Grimes and Beeple.

10. PR Campaign on NFT’s Uniqness

Highlight what makes your NFT project unique through press releases and media outreach. Focus on the story behind your NFTs and their potential impact.

11. Try NFT Launchpads

Launchpads are platforms that help creators launch their NFT projects. Some of the popular launchpads are:

  • NFTlaunch
  • NFTPad
  • NFTb
  • NFT SolPad
  • Guardian Link

12. Build a Super Unique Utility into NFT

Integrate unique utilities into your NFTs, such as access to exclusive content, events, or other perks that increase their value.

13. Partner with NFT Marketing Agency

Working with a specialized NFT marketing agency can help you execute complex marketing strategies effectively. This marketing strategy is also dependent on your budget because most Web3 marketing agencies can be pretty costly. If you are a single NFT artist or a very small team, going with an NFT marketing agency is a good choice. We’d recommend that you spend good enough time to vet those agencies and their past campaigns.

14. Use Twitter Threads to talk about your NFT

Start Twitter threads to share detailed information about your NFT project. Include essential details like your project’s slogan, website, whitepaper, and relevant hashtags.

  • A header with your NFT slogan
  • The start date of the thread
  • Your website
  • White paper URL
  • What makes your NFT unique
  • All relevant hashtags to your NFT
  • Links to your official NFT drops, channels, and NFT community

15. Utilise Hashtags on X (formarly) Twitter and TikTok

Hashtags are powerful tools for increasing the visibility of your NFTs on social media platforms. Hashtags are still relevant if used properly for helping people follow a trend. If your NFT name is unique, you can use a common Hashtag across your posts, include it in giveaway campaigns and help interested people build familiarity with your NFT project.

16. Partner With Other NFT Artists

Collaborate with other NFT artists to create joint projects or promote each other’s work. NFT artists also create and launch co-branded NFTs to leverage the existing network on an already popular NFT project. By partnering with popular and credible NFT artists you can also build the same credibility from day 1.

17. Build a Brand Around Your NFT Concept

Develop a strong brand identity around your NFT project to create a lasting impression on your audience. Bored Ape Yacht Club has been the most successful brand in the NFT space so far. You can build a brand by with unique design, content tone, perks, and by onboarding the right set of NFT holders in the initial days.

18. Collaborate With Social Media Influencers

Influencers can help you reach a broader audience by promoting your NFTs on their social media channels. There are tons of influencers on Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and TikTok who are popular in the web3 space. Collaborating and creating content along with them is one of the popular NFT marketing strategies.

19. Launch an Email Marketing Camapign

Build and nurture an email list to keep potential buyers informed about your latest NFT drops and updates. You can build an email list by creating lead-magnet Ads, landing pages, or by purchasing email data from 3rd party marketplaces. Email campaigns would be most effective if you run it on audience you built yourself.

20. Collaborate With Brands

Cross Marketing Cross-marketing with established brands can increase your project’s credibility and reach. An interested way to do this is by combining some real world benefits from a particular brand for the NFT holders. A popular brand can give the initial push to the adoption of your NFT project.

21. Launch an NFT Giveway

Giveaways are similar to Airdrops but in giveaways of NFTs you run a social media campaign for interested people to perform certain tasks and offer select individuals your NFTs for free. The tasks to be eligible for giveaway are designed in a way that the NFT project gets more visibility on the Internet.

22. Create an Affiliate Marketing Program

Offer commissions to affiliates who promote and sell your NFTs. Creating an affiliate marketing program can expand your marketing reach and increase the ROI. Each NFT holder in your community would be incentives to further sell and promote your project.

23. Promote on Web3 Newsletters

Some of the top crypto and NFT newsletters that you should send your non-fungible tokens to include:

  • Inside Web3
  • CoinSnacks
  • CryptoClub
  • TheMilkRoad
  • Blast News
  • Super News
  • Creator Economy
  • Cryptechie

You can pay these newsletters to mention and promote your NFT project within their newsletter that goes out to millions of readers interested in buying NFTs.

24. Promote on NFT Calendar

Use NFTCalendar to announce upcoming drops and events related to your NFTs. This is among the simple NFT Marketing Strategies where you list your upcoming NFT launch on the website, interested people can learn more about it, and your NFT project can benefit.

25. Announce on Airdrop for your NFTs

Announce your NFT airdrops through social media, newsletters, and crypto forums to build excitement is a common practice. Crypto Airdrop is a proven and time-tested method to get early adopters on a project. If you are building a large NFT collection or an application where people can create their own unique NFTs, this is a great way to kickstart the network.

Plan airdrop activities or requirements in such a way that people who are already active in crypto world gets an advantage in your Airdrop and claim their free NFTs. They will become the 1st bunch of traders and word-of-mouth drivers for your NFT project.

26. Host an AMA Session Reddit, Twitter, or Discord

Engage with your community through AMA (Ask Me Anything) sessions, answering questions and building trust. Appear in AMA on other NFT communities on Reddit, Twitter, or Discord to build awareness around your NFT project.

27. Leverage NFT Roadmap

Clearly outline your NFT project’s roadmap, detailing future plans and milestones.

Here’s an example of NFT Roadmap from Mintable:

NFT Marketing Roadmap

Putting all your events and marketing activities on a calendar is a great way to visualise all marketing activities for the team.

28. Launch Your Own Blog

Create a blog to share updates, news, and insights about your NFT project, improving SEO and providing value to your audience. Blogging and targeting keywords to get growth by SEO is a slow and time consuming process. This can be a long-term growth plan in your marketing mix. Depending on your NFT and its use cases, you can pick topics, creating great content that is engaging and educational, and publish them every day.

29. Create YouTube Videos

YouTube is an excellent platform for sharing tutorials, behind-the-scenes content, and updates about your NFTs. Leveraging a pre-existing youtube channel, partnering with an existing YouTuber, or slowly building your own YouTube can be an organic way to promote your NFTs.

30 Leverage Meme Marketing

Memes are a fun and effective way to connect with a younger audience and spread awareness of your NFTs. Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC), Pop Cat, Joe Boden, etc. are some examples of meme coins and NFTs that rode the waves of meme marketing. Web3 audience loves memes and it can be your primary tone of conversation throughout content, events, activities.

Thinks to Keep in Mind While Planning NFT Marketing Campaign

  1. Don’t Do Everything: Pick one NFT marketing strategy at a time and test it out over a fixed period.
  2. Market NFTs on Multiple Platforms: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket, spread our your total budget on a mix of multiple platforms targeting the same audience to increase touch points and conversion rate.
  3. Onboard Specialist: You can consider onboarding NFT marketing agencies that offer multiple services in a package to take off your load from marketing and you can focus on building the technical parts of it.
  4. Set a marketing budget: It is easy to go overboard with marketing activities. You must plan a cap on budget, assign it to different channels, and then measure that the success of each platform or activity based on the number you got on NFT sales or registrations.
  5. Take Feedback: For unbiased views on NFTs concept, creatives, and marketing material, take feedback on your NFT project from others in the field.
  6. Be open to experiments: Be open to NFT Marketing Strategies that are not traditional and might yield great returns on spend if done right. For example; hosting comedy shows, sponsoring sports events, organising a marathon, etc. These are some examples of going off the normal ideas for NFT marketing.


NFT marketing is essential for standing out in the ever-growing digital asset space. By leveraging the strategies outlined above, you can increase your project’s visibility, attract potential buyers, and ultimately achieve success in the NFT market.


What is the gest marketing strategy for NFT?

The best NFT marketing strategies involves a combination of social media marketing, memes, celebrity partnerships, and community building. Every NFTs, its target community, and perks of buying and holding it are different and those unique factors associated with that particular NFT will lead to the idea marketing strategy. Our recommended approach is to brainstorm and figure out where do the potential buyers of your NFTs hangout on the Internet and show up in front of them with creative content and Ads.

How can NFTs be used for Marketing?

NFTs can be used to create unique digital experiences, offer exclusive content, and engage with audiences in innovative ways. NFTs are great way to build exclusivity, reward early believers and adopters, and enable your customers/community to own a piece in your success. Brands can use NFTs to incentives customers to perform certain actions and at the same time help their customers earn money by buying, holding, and selling NFTs.

How to I make my own NFTs?

You can create your own NFTs by choosing a blockchain, minting your digital assets, and listing them on popular marketplaces. Signup on Metaschool and enroll in free courses to learn how to mint NFT tokens, how to write smart contracts to create your own NFTs, etc. Creating your own NFTs is simple and anyone with guided blockchain courses on Metaschool can create NFTs.

Can I create my own NFT Marketplace?

Yes, with the right technical skills and resources, you can build your own NFT marketplace. Here is a free course on Metaschool with step-by-step guide on how to create your own own NFT Marketplace.

How do NFT creators earn money?

NFT Creators earn money by selling their NFTs on marketplaces and earning royalties from secondary sales. Which means that even if their NFTs are resold by initial buyers, the original creators of the NFTs will keep receiving a fixed percentage on each consecutive sale.