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Web3 developer jobs: Skills, salaries, roles and more

web3 developer jobs skills

This guide is a thorough evaluation of salaries, skills, and descriptions of and web3 developer jobs paired with an action plan.

The challenges of determining your tech stack in an overwhelmingly growing world of programming are many. Which is why this will help you understand in-demand skills every web3 developer needs to up-skill in. Let’s go 🚀

1. Smart Contract Developer

Smart contract developers are qualified individual familiar with smart contracts, what they are, and how to build them effectively for any blockchain platform. People with this skill have a wide range of opportunities in tech giants like Binance, CoinDCX, Polygon and many more.

Average annual salary for Smart Contract Developer Jobs

North America$140,000
South America$ 12,000

Typical job description of a Smart Contract Developer

  1. Deliver the design and development of web3 tech such as blockchain, protocol solutions, integrations, wallets, nodes, proofs, smart contracts, distributed ledgers, cryptography algorithms, etc.
  2. Execute high-level smart contract architecture and protocol designs.
  3. Build and deploy smart contracts on chains like Ethereum, Solana, Polkadot, Polygon, BNB Smart Chain, etc.
  4. Integrate micro services for account management such as KYC, Mint & redeem features, deposit to earn yields, etc.
  5. Oversee security of smart contracts.
  6. Communicate and collaborate with security engineers, front-end developers and designers.
  7. Investigate and solve technical issues.
  8. Collaborate with the product team to design, develop, test, and publish new features.

Skills of a Smart Contract Developer

  • Development on Ethereum, EVM chains, Solana and other blockchain ecosystems.
  • Writing comprehensive smart contracts using Solidity, Rust, Vyper, etc.
  • Deploying smart contracts or programs.
  • Deploying contracts on Layer 1 and Layer 2 solutions (zkSync).
  • Integrating with Etherscan, Alchemy, etc.
  • Developing web applications using JavaScript, TypeScript, GoLang, etc.
  • Writing tests using Waffle, Mocha, Chai, etc.

Few valuable add-ons but not compulsory for Smart Contract Development

  • Degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering, or a related field.
  • Working knowledge of Rust, and C++.
  • Knowledge of NodeJs, React, and Redux.
  • Mobile dApp development using React-Native.

🌈 dApp project: Build your own web3 Twitter dApp with Solidity

2. Full-Stack Web3 Developer

A Full-Stack Web3 Developer builds blockchain applications as well as programs the dynamic front-end of the web app. According to, Full-stack Web3 Developers make $100K – $150K per annum.

Average annual salary for Full-Stack Web3 Developer Jobs

North America$120,000

Typical job description of a Full-Stack Web3 Developer

  1. Collaborate with development and product team to define the scope and scale of projects.
  2. Design software architecture.
  3. Create complete data structures and design patterns.
  4. Develop and design scalable web applications and APIs.
  5. Develop and maintain software tools used internally as well as externally.
  6. Problem solving and troubleshooting.
  7. Improve software efficiency and identify bottlenecks.
  8. Developing micro-services and write technical documents.

Skills of a Full-Stack Web3 Developer

  • Layer 1 and Layer 2 Solutions like Ethereum, BNB Smart Chain, Solana, Hyperledger Fabric, Polygon, etc.
  • Development frameworks and API libraries – Ether.js, Web3.js, Hardhat, Alchemy, Moralis.
  • Programming smart contracts using Solidity, Rust, Vyper, etc.
  • Query data from decentralized sources such as IPFS, Arweave, The Graph, ENS, etc
  • Front-end tech – HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and frameworks like ReactJS, NextJS or Vue.
  • Back-end language – any, like Node.
  • Database technologies like RDBMS and NoSQL.
  • Cloud Providers such as AWS, Azure, GCP, and Kubernetes.
  • Smart Contract auditing tools like MythX.
  • CI/CD Pipelines setup.

Few valuable add-ons but not compulsory for Full-Stack Web3 Development

  • DevOps with Docker.
  • Develop and deploy blockchain infrastructures.
  • Degree in Computer Science or related field or suitable work experience.
  • Good communication skills and agile project management experience.
  • Open-source contributions are a huge bonus.

3. Front-End Web3 Developer

A Frontend Web3 Developer is responsible for running and maintaining the front-end codebase of a web app, running tests and optimizing user experience. On average, front-end web3 developers make $60K per annum. More figures below.

Average annual salary for Front-End Web3 Developer Jobs

North America$97,000

Typical job description of a Front-End Web3 Developer

  1. Design and deliver user experience, ship and text rapid iterations with a large audience. Generate quantitative and qualitative feedback.
  2. Collaborate closely with the Product and Design teams to define, prioritize and build features.
  3. Practice with databases, microservices, servers and APIs. integrate all these tools with the core environment.
  4. Write accurate, well tested and effective code.
  5. Deploy responsive web applications.
  6. Interact and work closely with marketing and design team.

Skills of a Front-End Web3 Developer

  • Proficient in JavaScript and frontend frameworks like React.js, git, Node.js and Redux.
  • Knowledge of developing and maintaining production apps.
  • Knowledge of docker, Jira, agile development, security and CORS.
  • Proficient in writing JavaScript Tests.
  • Experience in A/B Testing and technical SEO.

Action plan to land Web3 Developer Jobs

Step 1

Network with web3 developers and experts through various blockchain conferences, meet ups, mentoring sessions, events, etc. As soon as you meet someone connect with them on LinkedIn or follow them on Twitter.

Step 2

Create high value content on social media like Twitter or LinkedIn. It’s a simple way of getting noticed by recruiters.

Step 3

Participate, contribute and make active networks and connects on Discord, Reddit. Even try to become part of Telegram communities and projects.

Step 4

Apply for web3 internships, don’t focus on the stipend. Get maximum development experience.

Step 5

Apply for job openings on these sites 👇🏼

  • Linkedin
  • Fiverr
  • Upwork
  • Angel List

If you want to go through web3 companies with regular open positions, especially for Solidity devs, we have a very useful resources linked down here. Take a peek 👀 her👇🏼

🚀 Web3 companies that are hiring developers

🚀 Entry level web3 job skills required

… and that’s all. Hoping this was helpful and helps you navigate through your web3 job search easily.