
Create an ERC-20 Token in Solidity on Astar Network

A comprehensive project-based course that equips you with the essentials needed to create an ERC-20 token on Astar using Solidity. Sign up now.

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Enough with deploying tokens on the same old blockchain networks. It is high time you expanded your horizons and gained more and diverse experience. And what better blockchain to start working on than Astar Network? The rapidly growing eco-system has recently launched Astar 2.0 which is a vision towards enabling long-term innovations in the Web3 ecosystem. If you’ve worked with Solidity before, you’re going to find this course so easy. Enroll today to start building.

Course Content

0. Let’s Get Started

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1. Setting Up the Development Environment

2. Write ERC20 Token

3. Deploy Your First Token on Astar

4. Let’s Wrap It Up



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Rated 4.5 by 51 developers

Why learn Solidity?


Most popular smart contract language

Over 85% developers active in web3 are using Solidity.


Demand of Solidity devs is on its way up

The average salary for a Solidity developer is over $150,000 p/a.


Relatively easy language to learn

Solidity is based on C++ and JavaScript, so it is an easy transition.


Opens up a world of new opportunities

Become a part of the growing Ethereum ecosystem and develop innovative applications.

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Frequently asked questions

To create an ERC-20 token on the Astar blockchain, you need to first create a new Solidity contract file. In the contract file, you should import the ERC-20 contract from the openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol library. You may now define the token’s name, symbol, and total supply. The next step is to implement the transfer(), balanceOf(), and mint() functions from the ERC20 contract. Now, compile the contract file using a Solidity compiler and deploy it to the Astar Network using a web3 wallet.

The cost of creating an ERC-20 token on Astar is the gas fee required to deploy the contract to the blockchain. This gas fee is paid through ASTR tokens while creating a token or deploying a smart contract. However, the gas fee varies depending on how congested the network is.

As far as running a Solidity code is concerned, there are multiple ways. One way is to use a Solidity compiler to compile the code into bytecode, which can then be executed on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). And the other way is to use a web3 wallet to deploy the code to a blockchain, such as Ethereum or Astar Network, and then interact with it using the wallet's interface.

Astar is a multichain smart contract platform that supports EVM and WebAssembly (WASM) smart contracts. It is designed to be interoperable with other blockchains, such as Ethereum, Polkadot, and Cosmos.

The Astar blockchain is a promising new platform for building decentralized applications. It offers a number of advantages over other blockchains, such as cross-chain interoperability, high throughput, low transaction fees, and a developer-friendly environment. With its growing community and ecosystem of dApps, Astar is well-positioned to become a major player in the blockchain industry.
  • Beginner
  • rating 4.5 (51)
  • 2x 5900 XPs
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