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Co-created withFuel

Learn to Build on Modular Blockchains with Fuel Network

A comprehensive, hands-on learning track that helps you master Fuel Network's mechanisms and architecture.


+ 1546 developers have already joined

Learning Outcome 0

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Rare NFT

Learning Outcome 1

Community house access


Learning Outcome 2

Earn upto

1000 XPs

Learning track

Metaschool and Fuel Network have joined hands to provide Web3 devs like you content that goes beyond the theoretical information available on the internet, allowing you to build more practical dApps. The learning track consists two advanced courses designed to help you create decentralized versions of everyday applications on Fuel blockchain.

Course 1


lesson book 0

14 Lessons

If you’re a developer looking to add Fuel Blockchain to your skillset, this is the place to start. This course will teach you to code an impactful dApp in the Fuel blockchain. The course will begin with an introduction to the Fuel blockchain, its features and its use cases. Later on, you will will dive into the Sway programming language and develop a petition dApp using with the programming language.

Course 2


lesson book 1

14 Lessons

Building an Airbnb dApp is the second course of the Fuel Network learning path, a perfect place to start for any developer looking to add Fuel Network to their skillsets. An advanced level course, it teaches you how to create a full-fledged dApp resembling that of Airbnb. You will begin this course by exploring more functions of the Sway programming language. Later on, you will build the AirBnb clone in the same programming language and deploy it on Fuel blockchain. Lastly, you will connect your dApp with Sway project and run it to functionally use your dApp.

Learning outcomes

Learning Outcome 0

Unlock NFT-based Certificates

Use your NFT certificate as a proof of completion and excellence.

Learning Outcome 1

Amass 1,000 XPs

Earn XPs with every course completion on the Metaschool platform. Earn more as you learn more.

Learning Outcome 2

Access to Fuel x Metaschool House

Be part of an exclusive network of Web3 devs.

Frequently asked questions

Fuel is the world's fastest modular execution layer designed for maximum security and high flexible throughput.

Modular execution layers separate execution from data and consensus, maximizing bandwidth and performance.

Metaschool and Fuel have teamed up to offer a free learning track, making it easy for Web3 devs to learn more about modular execution and Fuel Network.