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Fabrice Geib (iamfabriceg)flag

streakTotal XP900 XP
streakDaily Streaks1 Days
Build Your Own Twitter DApp with Solidity
Build Your Own Twitter DApp with Solidity

Ever since Ethereum introduced smart contracts and dApps, we have seen thousands of them. Each dApp is programmed to do a primary task and t.....

Learn everything about NFTs
Learn everything about NFTs

Hey homies! Wondering WTF is an NFT and why is everyone talking about it? Let’s explore it together!.....

Understand and setup MetaMask Account
Understand and setup MetaMask Account

A brief guide to setting up and creating your own MetaMask wallet for storing, swapping and trading tokens......

Write an Elon Musk NFT Smart Contract on OpenSea
Write an Elon Musk NFT Smart Contract on OpenSea

NFTs are not entirely dead. If anything, the NFT market will be worth $231 billion by 2030, as per a 202-pager report published by VMR. And .....

Add MetaMask connect button to your react app
Add MetaMask connect button to your react app

A mini project to help you add connect MetaMask wallet functionality in your app......

Write Your First Solidity Smart Contract on Ethereum
Write Your First Solidity Smart Contract on Ethereum

The best way to learn Solidity is to start coding in Solidity. Do yourself a favor - do better than just watching YouTube tutorials that lea.....

NFT Certificates
