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How to Become a Software Developer – 6 Step Guide

In today’s world, technology and software plays a crucial role in making this world a more efficient and better place to live and work. If you are someone with natural interest in technology, mobiles, apps, Internet, and solving real-world problems with software development, becoming a software developer is a great career choice for you. How to become a software developer? is a common question but not very hard to answer. With structured learning approach and some planning, you can become a software developer within a few weeks.

You can browse free online software development and web3 development courses and learning tracks on Metaschool. Let’s help breakdown the steps to learn software development, prepare for jobs, and start your career as a developer.

What is software development?

Software development is the process of creating, designing, programming, testing, and maintaining computer software. It involves:

  1. Planning and analysis of requirements
  2. Designing the software architecture
  3. Writing code in programming languages
  4. Testing and debugging
  5. Deployment and maintenance

This sounds overwhelming, but stay with us through this blog. You’ll understand that once you get started with development, you’ll naturally discover your interest areas, upskill in them, and grow as a software developer in the industry with time and experience.

What do software developers do?

Software developers are people behind the digital applications, internet apps, websites, and everything that goes behind a machine or a digital interface. They developer, test, and maintain software applications that people use every day. For example, the games on PlayStore like AngryBird or a website for you to book online flight tickets or app from where you order food online are built by Software developers.

The key responsibilities of software developers are:

  • Problem-solving: Discovering solutions for a user or client’s problem through software or apps. It problems may also involves improving the performance of the apps, making data storage efficient, finding the best possible solution to perform operations on data, etc.
  • Coding/Programming: The software is written on computers in programming languages like JavaScript, C++, Python, etc, compiled into ready to run apps, and installed on devices or servers to access form web-browsers.
  • Testing: It is to ensure that the software written by developers work well for users and clients. The testing involves both automated testing by writing test cases and manual testing by using the software.
  • Deployment: Shipping or releasing the software to users or clients is the responsibility of software developers.
  • Maintenance: With advancements in technology, new requirements from users, and changes in the programming languages and environments, the softwares need timely upgrades and maintenance. Once released, it is a never ending job to maintain it.

Software developers use various programming languages, tools, frameworks, and methodologies to create applications for computers, mobile devices, web browsers, and other platforms.

Software development vs. Software Engineering

Software development and software engineering are closely related but have some key differences:

Software Development:

  1. Focuses more on the practical aspects of creating software
  2. Typically involves coding, testing, and implementation
  3. Often follows a shorter-term, project-based approach
  4. May be less formal in terms of processes and documentation

Software Engineering:

  1. Takes a broader, more systematic approach to software creation
  2. Applies engineering principles to software development
  3. Emphasizes the entire software lifecycle, including long-term maintenance
  4. Involves more formal processes, documentation, and architectural planning

Web development vs. Software Development

Web development and software development share many similarities but have some key differences:

Web Development:

  1. Focuses on creating websites and web applications
  2. Primarily uses web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
  3. Often involves both front-end (user facing websites) and back-end development (server side development that deals with processing, handling traffic, storage, and functionality).
  4. Typically results in products accessed through web browsers like Google Chrome or Brave Browser.

Software Development:

  1. Encompasses a broader range of applications and systems that include mobile apps and desktop apps.
  2. Uses a wider variety of programming languages and technologies such as Java, Kotlin, etc.
  3. Can include desktop, mobile, embedded, and web applications.
  4. Results in products that may or may not require internet connectivity.

Despite these differences, there’s significant overlap between the two fields, especially as more applications move to web-based platforms and technologies. Many developers work across both areas, particularly in full-stack development roles.

Web3 Developer Role

The software developers in Web 2.0 can also transition into Web3 Developer Roles that involves building decentralised applications (dApps) on Blockchains, handling digital assets such as cryptocurrency and NFTs (learn everything about NFTs), etc. Web3 development is an emerging field that combines elements of traditional web development with blockchain technology, aiming to create a more decentralized and user-centric internet.

Web3 is the internet owned by the builders and users, orchestrated with tokens. — cdixon.eth.

Web3 is a relatively new field for software developers, the programming languages and tools used in Web3 are new, and there’s more demand for web3 software developers than supply. Which makes it a great time to start your software development journey by learning web3 development. The easiest and best way to get started with Web3 Development is by building hands-on projects and following guided learning tracks on Metaschool. Here are some of the popular free web3 learning resources on Metaschool:

6 Steps to Become A Software Engineer in 2024

To make your journey to become a software engineer more structured, we’ve broken down the plan into 6 steps to follow. Let’s get into details on each step and how you can approach it.

How to become a software developer | 6 Step Guide

Step 1: Learn Software Development

Any new language that we are not familiar with is difficult to grasp in the very first attempt. But know that it takes 1 month to 3 months depending on your earlier exposure to technology and programming to learn a software development language. Once you understand the fundaments of a language and know how you can use to build small applications, there’s no looking back. Be ready to dedicated at least 3 months to learning one high level programming language.

Here is a list of 20 most popular programming languages in demand in 2024:

1. Javascript
2. Python
3. Go
4. Java
5. Kotlin
6. PHP
7. C#
8. Swift
9. R
10. Ruby
11. C and C++
12. Matlab
13. TypeScript
14. Scala
15. SQL
16. HTML
17. CSS
18. NoSQL
19. Rust
20. Perl

For beginners, choose Python or JavaScript. For Web development, choose JavaScript or HTML/CSS. If you are interested in mobile, choose Swift (iOS) or Kotlin (Android). For enterprise, choose Java. We’d recommend you to take an introduction class on 2-3 high-level languages that can help you get started.

Once you’ve narrowed down on a language, you can follow this process: Learn the syntax and data types, functions & methods, Object-oriented programming concepts, and Git (Github). You can use platforms like LeetCode, HackerRank, or Metaschool to solve challenges and build small applications.

In the process, you’d also pick your IDEs, database, learn Git (to manage your code), data structures and algorithms, development methodology, and figure out our own tech stack. We also recommend you to join online developer communities, attend workshops, and build connections with other developers who are either learning development or good at it. Their experiences will help you set your own path.

Step 2: Pick Your Niche as a Software Developer

There are many niches in software development: Front-End Engineer, Back-End Engineer, Full Stack Engineer, Software Engineer in Test (QA Engineer), Software Development Engineer in Test (SDET), DevOps Engineer, Security Engineer, Data Engineer, and Cloud Architect. Broadly, we can categories them into:

  1. Web developers: Create websites and web applications.  
  2. Mobile app developers: Build apps for smartphones and tablets.  
  3. Game developers: Develop video games.  
  4. Software engineers: Design and build complex software systems.
  5. Database developers: Manage and maintain databases.
  6. Systems software developers: Create operating systems and system software.

Skills that are in huge demand are Web development, mobile app development, web3 development, and backend development. Web is relatively easy to get started with and do not need laptops with high compute power. You can start with what feels simple to you and then get your hands dirty in other fields. Know that it can take you upto 6 months to finally settle into one niche, and once you get good at picking up new languages, you’ll be able to switch between these niches depending on where you build most expertise and enjoy working the most.

Step 3: Build Independent Side Projects (Portfolio)

Now that you have learned a programming language and picked your niche to become a software developer in, the next step is to create your own product (app, website, web-app, Dapp, etc.).

You can find guided courses on Metaschool that help you build your own dApps. You can also choose to create your own app or website that does something very simple, for example: Note taking application, calendar, personal website, blog, etc. Building a new product end-to-end will help you build confidence and it will act as a proof-of-work in your portfolio when you apply for internships and jobs.

How to become a software developer - Build side projects

There are many online communities that you can join to learn about what kind of side projects other developers are building. A couple of popular communities are ProductHunt and IndieHackers. Search the internet, read up Reddit developer forums, Quora, or Twitter to understand the world of builders and developers who make applications for fun. Our recommendation is to make your personal website and then put up a couple of more side projects on it to showcase to others.

Step 4: Pursue a formal degree or certification in software development

This step is optional. To become a software developer, you do not need a formal degree or certification. But if you are a student or very early in your career, getting a formal degree in computer science or Information Technology will immensely improve your knowledge of computers, softwares, and programming.

There are in-person as well as remote (virtual) programs to learn software development. It is highly recommended to get formal degree in computer science if you are just finishing your high school and exploring options for higher education. But if you are someone who is actively working in another field (unrelated to software development) and you don’t have the time and resources to pursue a formal degree, the best approach is learning by doing and build side projects.

There are plenty of examples of people in the world of Internet and Software Development who made a switch into development from other fields. There’s no age limit, no language barrier, and no judgement, the community of software developers is open, thriving, and helpful, almost anyone can start learning and become a developer within a few months.

Step 5: Prepare for Specific Software Developer Job Roles

Now that you have learned a programming language, picked your niche, and have built a couple of side projects, you can start preparing for specific job roles depending on your skill level and niche.

For each role you can build relevant projects to demonstrate your skills. You can also contribute to open-source projects in your area of focus. To Stay updated with the latest trends and technologies in your field, you can follow the job boards and technology news. Once your know what job you want to get, network with professionals in your chosen area by reaching out to them on LinkedIn, a well-written cold email or message can definitely get you their 5-15 mins of guidance.

  • Full Stack Engineer
  • Front-End Engineer
  • DevOps Engineer
  • Back-End Engineer
  • Software Engineer in Test
  • Data Engineer
  • Embedded Systems Software Engineer
  • Security Engineer
  • Cloud Engineer

Step 6: Apply for Software Develop Jobs to Kickstart Your Career

Here are some of the platforms you can use to discover and apply for software developers jobs: LinkedIn, WellFound, Indeed, Google Jobs, GlassDoor, etc.

You can use platforms like LeetCode to practice for the coding interview rounds. We’d recommend that you start with an entry level position, gain experience, and evolve in your career as a software developer. A lot of early career hiring in the world of software development happens purely on the basis on live coding interview rounds and an assessment round to test your skills. At Startups, it might be easier to land a role based on your side projects and ability to prove your skills.

As you move up in the roles of software development, the interview processing becomes more structured and may involve multiple rounds of coding, assessment, assignment, and interviwes.

Free Online Software Development Courses and Resources

There are tons of free online resources to learn software development from. You can find video lectures, documentation, courses, and live classes to learn software programming.

But one of the best and proven ways to become a software developer is learning by doing. That’s where you can benefit from hands-on and free courses on Metaschool. 140K+ students have enrolled in free courses on Metaschool to learn Blockchain development. Not only the builders and students learn a new skill, they also end-up building their own projects in the process.

This learning process helps them build a portfolio of live projects as they learn to build on new technologies. Around 40,000+ projects have been built and shipped by developers learning on Metaschool so far.

The reason you should choose Metaschool to learn software development is because it offers curated learning tracks that help you learn based on your skill level. Here is an example of a track for you to learn to build on Mantra Chain.

You also stand a chance to win NFTs, swag, and XP as you learn and finish courses on the Metaschool platform.

Experts Advice on How to Become a Software Developer

1. Degrees Don’t Teach Software Development

Computer Science degree is great to learn fundaments such as basic programming language, data structures, algorithms, and concepts behind the high level languages. But you’ve to become a software developer on your own with practice. Our advice is that you start with strong fundamentals in programming concepts and at least one language. Consistent practice, problem-solving, and building projects are crucial.

Learn version control, contribute to open-source, and build a portfolio. Specialize in an area of interest, but maintain broad knowledge.

Internet Connection and Laptop is All You Need

If you are wondering How to become a software developer if you don’t have a high-end computer, you have nothing to worry about. All you need is a laptop and a working Internet connection. For web development, you do not even need a powerful machine. You can literally sit in a work-cafe, access free high-speed internet, and get started.

Over the last 2 decades the technology industry has worked really hard to bring down the barriers to entry to ensure more and better developers join them in building the future.

There’s Place For Everyone in SDE Roles

Software development engineer is a vast field, with technology and software becoming a key part of almost every business the demand for developers has skyrocketed. With advancements in technology, race for more efficiency, and a more Internet driven world, there will be huge demand for software developers at multiple stages in the organisation.

Here is some data on software engineer’s salary in USA and India (source: The starting salary for a software engineer in United States is in the range of $75k to $125k and for India it stand at $10k to $15k annually. The big tech companies and all kinds of organisations have SDE roles for all skill levels, which means there’s place for everyone in SDE roles.

Software Engineer Salary in USA | Software Engineer Salary in India

Once you start your career as a software engineer, you can continue to upskill, learn new technologies, improve your development and engineering skills, and establish yourself as a software developer in the industry. Seek internships or entry-level positions for practical experience and then progress in your career.

Learning a New Language Takes Time

Remember that becoming a developer is an ongoing journey of learning and improvement, requiring persistence, curiosity, and passion for problem-solving. With Advancements in technology, there are many No-Code and Low-Code tools available that can help you execute faster without exposing you to the technically difficult parts. But having an understanding of software development will make you better at using advance no-code/low-code tools and AI to generate code for you.

Ability To Find Solution On Internet is a Huge Skill in Software Development

Know that even the best of software developers use Google search all the time to search for specific functions, commands for CLI, and to find solutions for problems where they get stuck. Online developer communities on Reddit, StackOverFlow, GitHub, etc. will be of immense help to you as you build software, side projects, or solve problems are your job role as an SDE.


What is required to become a software developer?

Becoming a software developer requires proficiency in programming languages, problem-solving skills, and an understanding of software development principles. You should also be familiar with tools and technologies used in the industry and possess good communication and teamwork skills.

Who is eligible for software developer?

Anyone with the necessary skills and knowledge can become a software developer. This typically includes individuals who have studied computer science or related fields, completed coding bootcamps, or taught themselves programming through online resources and practice. There’s no criteria to become a software developer as long as you know how to write functional code and deliver working applications and solutions.

How long does it take to become a software developer?

The time it takes to become a software developer varies widely, from a few months to several years. It depends on the chosen learning path, such as a college degree, coding bootcamp, or self-study, and the individual’s dedication and prior experience. Remember, learning software development is an ongoing process. Start with the basics, practice regularly, build projects, and continuously expand your knowledge.

Can I become software developer after school?

Yes, you can become a software developer after finishing school. Many people pursue this career through college degrees, coding bootcamps, or self-study. Continuous learning and gaining practical experience through projects and internships are essential. There are many examples of students becoming really good at software development during school days and are able to crack coding interviews and get jobs as a developer.

It is totally upto your personal choices if you want to start your software developer career right after school or want to pursue a formal degree. You also have the option to continue studies and keep improving your development skills by building projects or taking up remote jobs.

How to become a software developer without a degree?

To become a software developer without a degree, you can learn programming through online courses, coding bootcamps, and hands-on projects. Building a portfolio, contributing to open-source projects, and gaining practical experience through internships or freelance work can help demonstrate your skills to potential employers.

How hard is it to become a software developer?

Becoming a software developer can be challenging but is achievable with dedication and persistence. It requires continuous learning, problem-solving, and practice. The difficulty level varies for each individual, but with the right resources and support, many people successfully transition into this field.