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Fastest Way To Learn Solidity For Free – 2024 Guide

Learn Solidity

Solidity is an object-oriented, high-level programming language specifically developed for writing smart contracts and EVM compatible code. Developers Learn Solidity to write smart contracts and build dApps for various Blockchains, Ethereum being the most popular.

Learn Solidity in 2024

In this blogs, we’ll talk about the fastest ways for you to learn Solidity programming language. We’ve also introduced important Solidity concepts that for you to learn and get a head start for writing solidity contracts in Ethereum.

Why is learning Solidity important?

As of 2024, Ethereum powers over 4,000 Dapps, 53+ million smart contracts, and 96+ million accounts with an Ether (ETH) balance. Learning solidity helps you join the growing ecosystem around Ethereum blockchain. At the same, the demand for Solidity developers has always been on the rise.

Solidity is the backbone of smart contract development on Ethereum and other EVM-compatible blockchains. The high demand for Solidity developers and the language’s compatibility with multiple blockchains makes it even more significant skill to learn. Whether for DeFi, NFTs, or DAO, Solidity is a key enabler of the next phase of the Internet evolution.

Solidity is Pivotal in the Growth of dApps

Solidity powers the development of decentralized apps on Ethereum and other EVM-compatible blockchains. These applications leverage blockchain’s decentralized nature to provide services that are transparent, secure, and resistant to censorship.

Use Cases:

  • DeFi (Decentralized Finance): Platforms like Uniswap and Aave enable decentralized trading and lending, revolutionizing traditional finance.
  • NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens): Solidity is used to create and manage NFTs, enabling digital ownership of art, collectibles, and more.
  • DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations): These organizations run on smart contracts, facilitating decentralized governance and decision-making.

Essential for Blockchain Innovation

Solidity plays a crucial role in driving innovation within the blockchain industry. By enabling developers to create complex smart contracts and dApps, Solidity facilitates new use cases and business models that were previously impossible.

Use Cases:

  • Tokenization: Solidity allows for the creation of various types of tokens (e.g., ERC20, ERC721), enabling new economic models and asset digitization.
  • Supply Chain: Smart contracts can automate and verify supply chain processes, enhancing efficiency and transparency.
  • Identity Management: Blockchain-based identity systems can offer secure and verifiable digital identities.

Interoperability with Other EVM-Compatible Blockchains

Solidity’s compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) means that it can be used on multiple blockchains that support EVM, such as Binance Smart Chain (BNB), Polygon, and Avalanche. This interoperability expands the potential applications and reach of Solidity-based projects.


  • Cross-Chain Development: Developers can create applications that interact with multiple blockchains, enhancing functionality and user reach.
  • Resource Sharing: Tools and libraries developed for Solidity on Ethereum can often be used on other EVM-compatible chains, streamlining development.

Solidity Developer Salaries

The rapid expansion of the blockchain ecosystem has led to a high demand for Solidity developers. Companies and projects in the blockchain space are constantly seeking solidity developers to build and maintain their smart contracts and dApps.

A Senior Solidity Developer can earn between $120,000 to $225,000 annually, excluding token-based equity or ESOPs. According to, the average salary for Solidity developers in the USA is $127,500, with remote developers earning between $111,000 and $200,000 annually. Comparatively, the average salary for US-based developers is $103,000, highlighting the demand for Solidity and blockchain specialization in developers.

Here is a list of location-based salaries of Solidity developers per year (in USD):

  • North America: $125K – $200K
  • Europe: $80K – $135K
  • Asia: $46K – $116K
  • Oceania: $85K – $120K
  • South America: $49K – $150K
  • Africa: $49K – $75K
  • Remote: $111K – $200K

Beyond financial benefits, learning Solidity enables developers to create impactful dApps. Ethereum alone hosts nearly 4,000 dApps addressing various needs, from Decentralised financial to solving for digital asset ownership.

How to Learn Solidity Programming Language

Learning Solidity involves understanding both the language itself and the underlying blockchain concepts. There are many ways to approach Solidity language, here we’ll discuss the fastest ways to learn solidity and then various other methods including online courses, guided projects, video tutorials, and reading documentation from official website.

1. Learn Solidity on Metaschool

Metaschool offer intensive, hands-on training in a structured web3 learning program. Metaschool’s hands-on Ethereum development courses are offered for free. These self-paced and structured courses guide you to write Smart Contracts in Solidity, build NFTs, and teach you to create your own Ethereum Token in 30 mins with expert instruction and a guided learning environment.

Developers at every stage of their learning journey will benefit from Metaschool’s Solidity learning tracks and learn to build real-world applications quickly.

Learn Solidity on MetaSchool

2. Learn Solidity With Online Courses

Online courses provide structured learning with set lessons and deadlines, which can help learners stay motivated. Alchemy University’s free Solidity Development Course is an excellent option for those seeking guided instruction. These courses often include quizzes and assignments to test your knowledge.

3. Learn Solidity From Tutorials

For self-starters, tutorials offer flexible, self-paced learning. The official Ethereum developer resources feature 53 tutorials covering a range of topics from basic smart contracts to advanced subjects like gas optimization and secure signing.

4. Learn Solidity from Documentation

Soliditylang is the official website where you can find the documentation, user cases, and all details on versions of Solidity. This is a great resource and an ideal place to start for experienced developers who understand JavaScript and can pick up new concepts and language from documentation.

You will also find a list of Solidity use cases if you are wondering why you need a to learn a new language to write smart contracts and to build decentralised apps on Ethereum and other blockchains.

Learn Solidity Concepts

Before you start with a Metaschool course or an online video tutorial to learn Solidity programming language, it’d be great to build an understanding of basic concepts inSolidity. Once you are familiar with the Solidity Concepts, it’ll be easier to grasp them while you are learning from a course.

Solidity ABI

The Application Binary Interface (ABI) allows different pieces of software to interact. In Solidity, the ABI enables smart contracts to communicate with each other and with external software, like wallets.

Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms directly written into code. They are used for creating digital tokens, dApps, and more. Learning to create smart contracts is essential for any Solidity developer.

ERC20 Tokens

ERC20 tokens are a common type of digital asset on Ethereum, representing real-world assets. Creating ERC20 tokens is an essential skill for Solidity developers.

Contract Interface

Interfaces specify the functions a contract must have, promoting reusable and extendable code.


Inheritance allows developers to create child contracts that inherit code from parent contracts, reducing redundancy and simplifying maintenance.


Functions in Solidity perform actions based on inputs and return outputs. They are fundamental to coding in Solidity.

Function Visibility

Visibility settings in Solidity determine who can execute a function: public, external, internal, or private.

Call and Delegatecall Functions

The call function executes code in another contract, while delegatecall executes code in the context of the caller, allowing storage changes to affect the caller’s storage.


Modifiers alter the behavior of functions without modifying their code. They are used to enforce rules, such as requiring a user to have a certain balance.

Arrays and Structs

Arrays store elements of the same data type, while structs allow for more complex data types with multiple properties. You can read our quick guides on understanding Arrays in Solidity and about initialising an array inside a Struct in Solidity.


Mappings are versatile data structures that store data in key-value pairs, providing flexible storage solutions.


Events trigger code execution in response to specific conditions, enabling dApps to interact with the real world.

Require (Error Handling)

The require function checks conditions and reverts transactions if conditions are not met, preventing errors in contracts.

Upgradeable Smart Contracts

These contracts can be updated without redeployment, maintaining existing data and code on the blockchain.

Proxy Contracts

Proxy contracts route function calls to the latest implementation, allowing protocols to upgrade without requiring users to update their code.

Multisig Contracts

Multisig contracts require multiple signatures to execute, adding security for high-value transactions.

Reentrancy Attacks

These attacks exploit vulnerabilities in contracts by calling back into a contract before execution is complete. Understanding reentrancy is crucial for writing secure contracts.

The Fastest Way to Learn Solidity

There are many paths to learning Solidity, whether through tutorials, online courses, or bootcamps. Mastering core concepts like smart contracts, functions, and events is essential. With dedication and the right resources, you can become a proficient Solidity developer and unlock numerous opportunities in the blockchain space.

The best way to learn solidity is by building hands-on projects and following guided courses. Here are a few popular courses on Metaschool that you can start with:

  1. Write Your First Solidity Smart Contract on Ethereum (Beginner)
  2. Create Your Own Ethereum Token in Just 30 Mins (Beginner)
  3. Write an Elon Musk NFT Smart Contract on OpenSea (Intermediate)
  4. Build a One Piece Personality dApp With Solidity (Advanced)


Is Solidity easy to learn?

Solidity can be easy to learn for those with a programming background and some understanding of blockchain concepts. For beginners, the learning curve may be steeper, but with the right resources and support, it is certainly manageable. Engaging with the developer community, utilizing high-quality courses, and starting with foundational programming and blockchain concepts can greatly enhance the learning experience.

Can I learn Solidity from scratch?

Yes, you can learn Solidity from scratch, even if you have no prior programming experience. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:
1. Start with JavaScript
2. Learn Blockchain Fundamentals
3. Learn Ethereum basics
4. Start learning solidity with online free resources like Metaschool.
5. Write simple smart contracts, create NFTs/Token, and create your own project. You can find hands-on guided projects on Metaschool as well.

Learning Solidity from scratch is entirely possible with dedication and the right resources. Start with basic programming and blockchain concepts, then dive into Solidity with structured courses and hands-on practice. Engage with the developer community, stay updated with the latest trends, and continuously build and improve your skills. By following this structured approach, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a proficient Solidity developer.

How much time does it take to learn Solidity?

The time required to learn Solidity can range from a few months for experienced programmers to about 6-9 months for complete beginners. By dedicating consistent time each day or week and using a combination of structured courses, tutorials, and hands-on projects, you can efficiently learn Solidity and become proficient in developing smart contracts and dApps on Ethereum.

Should I learn Solidity or Python?

The choice between learning Solidity or Python depends on your career goals, interests, and the type of projects you want to work on. Solidity is essential for developing smart contracts and dApps on Ethereum and other EVM-compatible blockchains. On the other hand, Python is a general-purpose language used in various fields, including web development, data science, machine learning, automation, and more.

You want to focus on blockchain development and contribute to the Web3 ecosystem, you should learn Solidity to write smart contracts and build dApps.