
Launch your own token on Polygon Network in 30 mins

Want to know how to develop a smart contract to create a token on Polygon? Turn your curiosity into knowledge with this beginner tutorial today.

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Polygon is the most popular amongst emerging blockchains in 2023 so far. It’s safe to say, the Layer 2 solution is as good as its parent chain, Ethereum. In that spirit, let’s try this easy course which shows step-by-step how to launch a Polygon token in under 30 minutes. Perks include a cool community, top-notch NFTs and great tech support. You in?

Course Content

0. Let's Get Started

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1. Let's Start Coding

2. Let's Start Deploying



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Rated 4.6 by 102 developers

Why learn Solidity?


Most popular smart contract language

Over 85% developers active in web3 are using Solidity.


Demand of Solidity devs is on its way up

The average salary for a Solidity developer is over $150,000 p/a.


Relatively easy language to learn

Solidity is based on C++ and JavaScript, so it is an easy transition.


Opens up a world of new opportunities

Become a part of the growing Ethereum ecosystem and develop innovative applications.

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Frequently asked questions

Yes, Polygon, being an L2 solution to Ethereum, requires a gas fee. However, it is much cheaper than Ethereum.

Yes, MetaMask supports Polygon. As a rule, MetaMask does not support or welcome blockchains that are not EVM-compatible. Polygon is EVM-compatible. Thus, it can be used on MetaMask.

In order to deploy a smart contract on the Polygon Network, you need to get a Polygon-compatible wallet and some testnet MATIC tokens from the Polygon Faucet. Next, install Remix IDE to write, compile and deploy the contract to the network.

Polygon is not ON Ethereum. Instead, Polygon operates using the Ethereum blockchain through a process called sidechaining, which consists of blockchains connecting to the main Ethereum blockchain. This way Polygon inherits the security and decentralization of Ethereum along with providing its own scalability and flexibility.
  • Beginner
  • rating 4.6 (102)
  • 2x 5900 XPs
  • nft Earn NFT
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