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Complete guide to the Web3 Development Stack

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If you’re reading this, you are a user of the modern web. The web we experience now is pretty much different from what it was 10 years ago. In other words, the web continues to evolve rapidly along with time.

The next big thing in internet is Web3 or Web 3.0. Hence if you’re curious about web3 development and how you can get involved in it, let’s take a deeper look.

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What is Web3?

To put it simply, Web3 is the latest version of the internet which is run mostly on blockchain and decentralized networks.

In this version, people have full ownership of their content, data and assets. There are also no middlemen involved, which is presently the case with large corporations and governments controlling and regulating whatever goes on the internet.

Feel like social media has way too much access to your private data, locations, etc? That’s going to be eliminated in Web3.

What is Web3 development?

Web3 has the potential to enhance the web we know right now. Since Web3 is a newer, improved version of the internet, several enhancements and features have been added to it. They include:

1. Trustless architecture

Trustless architecture in Web3 applications ensures that there is no need for you to trust a third party, such as a person, a bank, or an intermediary to proceed with transactions.

2. Verifiable

All transactions that you do with Web3 applications are recorded on the public ledger. Therefore, it would be possible to verify transactions at any given time.

3. Permissionless

Web3 applications are open, public blockchains, which are open to all the people who take part in the consensus process. What is a consensus process on blockchain? It’s an automated process to ensure that there exists only one single valid copy of record shared by all the nodes. The blockchain uses consensus process to validate data and transactions as well.

4. Self-governing

Web3 applications have a self-governing structure as they are distributed on a public ledger. There is no control over authority in these apps.

5. Stateful

Web3 applications keep track of the states of interactions. This is done by defining values in specific storage fields that are designed for the purpose.

6. Robust and distributed

Web3 applications are developed on blockchain. Hence, they have the same distributed and robust architecture of Blockchain. There is no central governance to these apps.

7. Native in-built payments

Tokens provide access to a native payment layer. Making payments with tokens is completely frictionless and borderless. You can easily integrate a crypto wallet such as Torus or MetaMask and facilitate payments to Web3 applications.

As a Web3 developer, you will have to proceed with development while paying attention to these factors. However, it is also important to keep in mind that developers would not usually develop and deploy applications within a single server. Moreover, their data would not be stored within a single database as well.

Instead of using single servers and databases, Web3 developers will run their Web3 applications on decentralized networks or blockchains. These will contain multiple peer to peer nodes, made out of different servers. These apps are called as decentralized apps or dApps.

In order to maintain security and stability in the decentralized network, it is important for developers or network participants to receive incentives. This would ensure that the Web3 developers contribute with their fullest effort to the betterment of Web3 development. Hence, all consumers of the Web3 space can expect to receive a quality experience.

Understanding the Web3 development stack

A developer stack is made out of technologies that one uses for development. MEAN stack is a popular developer stack, which includes MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, and NodeJS. Likewise, web developers in the Web3 development space will have to be familiar with the Web3 stack. Let’s learn more about what the Web3 stack is made out of. 

1. Web3 Libraries and dApps

The Web3 libraries assist Web3 developers to go ahead and define the interface for Blockchain. Moreover, it makes it possible to use Web3 libraries to interact with different smart contracts and even make transactions.

Along with the help of a Web3 library, any Web3 developer can proceed with the development of decentralized applications on the Blockchain. Some of the most popular Web3 libraries include, ethers.js, and web3.js.

2. Nodes and Web3 providers

Nodes or web3 providers are needed to obtain data from the Blockchain. In here, nodes will be running a copy of Blockchain. Without having access to nodes, there is no possibility for a Web3 library to interact along with smart contracts. Hence, they play a major role behind the success of Web3 applications. You can even call nodes as the gateway that allows access to the Blockchain realm.

One of the most popular nodes available for you to consider would be QuickNode. It is running powerful nodes all around the world. By using Web3, it would be possible to have super-fast access to data on the blockchain. Moreover, it would be possible to ensure smooth transactions as well.

3. Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are codes, which are available within the blockchain. By definition, smart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement between buyer and seller being directly written into lines of code They are highly immutable i.e. fixed.

Usually, Web3 developers use Solidity to write smart contracts. They also use Remix IDE for developing smart contracts. It allows them to deploy and compile smart contracts without encountering any challenges. Some other tools available for the development of smart contracts include Brownie, Hardhat, and Truffle.

4. Wallets

A wallet refers to a specific address available on the blockchain. It serves as the identity of a specific person whilst holding different cryptocurrencies of an owner. At the time of executing a writing operation on the blockchain, you will have to pay a fee to the network and verify the transaction.

This is where you will find the need to use your wallet. MetaMask is one of the most popular wallets available out there to consider.

Understanding the Web3 Library

If you want to become a competent Web3 developer, you should have a strong understanding of Web3 libraries. One of the very first things you will notice about Web3 libraries is their distributed infrastructure.

If you see, a Web3 library looks pretty much similar to an ordinary centralized library. However, users will be able to own items in a Web3 library. You will not be able to find a central storage. In other words, there is no centralized entity responsible for managing different items. Instead, everything will be peer-to-peer within the Web3 library.

How to get started in Web3 development

If you want to get into Web3 development, there are few things you will need to do. I’m sharing a brief guide for you to follow. It will help you plan and strategize your web development journey far easily.

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1. Understand the basics of Blockchain technology

As the very first thing, you will need to have a clear understanding of Blockchain technology. That’s because you are going to work with Blockchain technology as a Web3 developer. There are lots of free blockchain tutorials available for you to follow on metaschool that can help you get started and practice.

2. Understand how smart contracts work

Upon learning about Blockchain technology, the next thing you should do is to figure out how smart contracts work. Smart contracts define how you can program the blockchain. Smart contracts are developed in a language like Solidity, and Blockchain nodes will be able to execute them.

It would be possible for smart contracts to do anything. Some of the most popular examples for smart contracts include non-fungible tokens and decentralized apps. The ultimate functionality of a smart contract would vary depending on the code you write.

3. Understand how to interface along with the Blockchain

When you take a look at a decentralized app, you will notice that it is made out of two different components. They include the frontend interface and the smart contract. Out of these, smart contract would execute on the Blockchain.

However, you will need to develop an interface to talk to the frontend. Libraries will help you in here. You will be able to use one of the two popular libraries Web3.js and Ethers.js for it. You don’t have to learn about both libraries and I encourage you to pick one library to learn more about it extensively.

4. Understand Solidity

The next most important thing you should do is to understand Solidity. You can find numerous Blockchains available out there. Among those different blockchains, most come with a unique method of developing smart contracts.

However, you should still have a good understanding of Solidity, which is the programming language that links Ethereum VM with different Blockchains. Solidity will assist you in understanding how to develop smart contracts on different chains.

Most businesses out there are looking for Web3 developers who are capable of developing apps on Ethereum. However, it would be advantageous to have a good knowledge on how to develop apps on other chains as well. Then you will be able to remain as a Web3 developer who is highly in demand.

Check the Solidity Mastery Fellowship to further strengthen your web3 knowledge

5. Develop your portfolio

As a Web3 developer, you will need to have your own portfolio. However, the Web3 web developer portfolio is quite different from the portfolio of a Web2 developer. Here are some of the things that you will need to include in your Web3 portfolio:

  • Showcasing a Web3 application frontend
  • A previously developed smart contract
  • Deployments that you have done to the official Testnet and result
  • Code optimizations done on Solidity

6. Start applying to Web3 development roles

By now, you know everything that you need to have in order to become a Web3 developer. Hence, you can proceed to apply for jobs. You might not be able to land into a job as a Web3 developer immediately. However, the wait is totally worth it as Web3 would define the future of web development industry.

One of the best things you can do to start developing a portfolio and being scouted for Web3 jobs is to join Web3 communities like the metaschool Discord server. They have as of late become a great source of developing and sharing Web3 talent with those hiring for such jobs.

Why should you enter Web3 development?

Whether you are a Web2 developer, or a person wants to get into web developments, you should have a clear understanding on why you should start Web3 development.

One of the biggest reasons to become a Web3 developer is: earning potential. There is a high demand for Web3 developers as of now. In fact, a full time Web3 developer in the United States can receive an average salary of around $160,000.

Getting into Web3 development is also a great way to keep yourself up to date with the latest technologies. As you read in this article, you can see how much of new things are there for you to learn.

It may never be boring to work in Web3 space as a developer. That’s because a variety of new technical challenges would come on your way. These challenges would keep your mind continuously sharp. You just need to continue to brush up your knowledge as time goes on.

What technical challenges will you have to face in Web3 development?

Once you start working as a Web3 developer, you will have to face some technical challenges as well. Here are some of the most prominent technical challenges that you will have to deal with:

1. dApp integration pipeline would be slow

The process that you have to follow in order to integrate a Web3 application is painfully slow. When you do a cross comparison of it with Web2, you will get a clear understanding of the fact. That’s mainly because complex logics are placed in decentralized servers in the Web3 space. Hence, it would not be possible to secure a seamless API integration.

2. Composing cost

Web3 composing costs are relatively high. That’s because you will need to have access to client side software development kits (SDKs) in order to integrate with the Web3 protocols. When a new SDK gets into the application, its overall size would grow. Therefore, you will have to deal with a higher composing cost.

3. Insecure JavaScript dependencies

If you have been working as a Web2 developer, you’ll be aware that JavaScript is not secure. For example, it could override dependencies on the code. On the other hand, it would also be possible to inject logics to the code. These risks are available in Web3 development as well. Hence, you will have to come up with appropriate measures to overcome such risks.

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Future of development in the Web3 space

Getting into Web3 development may probably be one of the most important decisions you make. But with how the tides have changed in the web space in just the recent decade, we can safely assume that Web3 is here to stay.

Numerous Web3 applications are gaining popularity as of now along with an increasing demand for apps around cryptocurrencies, blockchain, smart contracts, and NFTs.

Hence, you don’t have to worry too much about career security when you become a Web3 developer. Moreover, this is just the beginning and so much rewarding innovation and changes are yet to come. One thing is for certain, though, change in evitable and so the future of the web is largely going to be decentralized.


Now you have a solid understanding on everything surrounding Web3 development. Getting into it early on can be some of the most important and rewarding decisions you can make. If you’re ready, you must start your journey with metaschool – there’s no cost and we also have a growing community!